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Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Buddy the Wonder Dog by DiAnn Mills

Buddy the Wonder Dog

By DiAnn Mills

Taryn Young, my heroine in Firewall, finds a friend in a German shepherd. I’m not an detailed plotter, and when Taryn spotted the dog, so did I. He appears on a dark night in a precarious situation when she needs a friend. Her world is shattering around her, and she’s frightened. The dog became a dear friend, and she quickly named him Buddy. Throughout the story he exhibits loyalty and unconditional love. Often he lays his head on her lap when she’s discouraged and stays by her side when she’s in danger.

German Shepherds may be better than a boyfriend!
 I fell in love with Buddy too. So I did more research on German shepherds. I learned they are listed in the top five most intelligent breeds of dog. They are fast learners, eager to develop new skills, and used extensively in K-9 units as bomb sniffers, drug sniffers, search and rescue, and various branches of the military. German Shepherds are suited as guard dogs. Although they can be aggressive, they can be trained to obey their owner. No wonder Taryn fell in love with this beautiful animal!

I posted the question to my Facebook friends about their experiences with German Shepherds. Some of their responses were the dog’s sweetness, protective nature, devotion to family, and loyalty. Others mentioned unconditional love and alertness.

One man told me how his German shepherd walked between his toddler and the street, never allowing the child to step into danger—The dog was not used as a babysitter, but the father observed this. The same gentleman told me about his dog playing hide and seek with his children. I loved his stories!

A woman confessed to loving her German shepherd to the point of attributing her fondness to that of a child.

Another woman valued her dog’s keen sense of smell. She was involved in K-9 Nose Work.
I wanted to own German Shepherd until I realized I don’t have the yard size needed for the dog to exercise. This breed has tons of energy and must have a way to work it out. If I’m to have a dog of this caliber, I don’t want to be selfish and not provide for its needs. Maybe a home in the country is in my future. :)

But I can admire from a distance and envy all you who have these wonderful animals.

DiAnn Mills is a bestselling author who believes her readers should expect an adventure. She currently has more than fifty-five books published. Her titles have appeared on the CBA and ECPA bestseller lists; won two Christy Awards; and been finalists for the RITA, Daphne
Du Maurier, Inspirational Readers’ Choice, and Carol award contests. DiAnn is a founding board member of the American Christian Fiction Writers; the 2014 president of the Romance Writers of America’s Faith, Hope, & Love chapter; and a member of Inspirational Writers Alive, Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, and International Thriller Writers. She speaks to various groups and teaches writing workshops around the country.
DiAnn is also a craftsman mentor for the Jerry B. Jenkins
Christian Writers Guild. She and her husband live in sunny Houston, Texas. Visit her website at and connect with her on Facebook
(, Twitter (@DiAnnMills), Pinterest (, and Goodreads

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  1. Diane, I was one of those who commented on Facebook about the loyalty of German Shepherds. My husband and I have owned several, as did my parents. They are extremely protective of their family, but I've never owned an aggressive one. I hope to one day own another one. I look forward to reading about Buddy!

  2. We've owned several too. I can't imagine not having a German Shepherd if I have a dog. They're a special breed. Love them. So much.

    Great choice for your character's friend.

  3. My inlaws rescued a German Shepherd many years ago. She was the sweetest thing but rambunctious. We have English mastiffs. While they are used for rescue and in the military, they're couch potatoes and don't require a lot of exercising. We take ours for walks to the lake and teh dog park. That suffices. The puppy (Oliver, who is reaching adolescence) runs around until he can hardly move. The older one, Shadrach, watches. lol

  4. Hi DiAnn! Love the dog. I've also put a dog in book 2 of my series. A retired K-9 German Shepherd named Briggs. I met a couple of K-9 dogs in my citizen's academy course. They're so smart and beautiful!


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