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Sunday, June 29, 2014


The buzz of the audience made it clear that much was expected. Excitement hummed through us all as the evening’s coordinator took the stage to introduce the main speaker. I had read some of his books – some I liked, some not so much – so I was unsure what to expect from him as the plenary speaker at Write! Canada, the country’s largest writers’ conference, held June 11-14 in Guelph Ontario. 

When he took the microphone and admitted that he hadn’t really prepared a speech for that night, I groaned inwardly. I’d heard speakers say that before and had to endure a rambling talk that had little focus and not much depth. But this speaker, on this night, would prove different.

Later it would be referred to as “The Ted Talk,” and it was the highlight of the conference for many of us because the speaker, best-selling author Ted Dekker, spoke directly from his heart about his life as a young missionary kid, his life as he became obsessed with writing and his life as success brought him to his knees and led him to surrender completely to God. 

These are some of the things I jotted down that night. I trust they will stir your hearts to ponder :

*Writing itself is a process to peace.

*Your fear will keep you chained – move forward on the beautiful path of surrender.

*You are a writer for your own transformation, not for your success.

*Let go of the need to be better than you are and discover your true beauty right now through your writing.

*Your objective is to live life, not publish books so focus on your writing as a means to knowing God.

*Writing becomes “magical” when you find the light in your own darkness.

*If you are not being transformed the story will not be about transformation.

*We are just kids playing at making sand castles that will be swept away. But we are left with what has happened in us and what we find within us – God himself.

*Find the greatest conflict in yourself right now and write it. Bleed on the page.

Ted’s talk was recorded by Swordfish Digital (email ) and will be available on The Word Guild’sWebsite in the near future. I highly recommend it to all writers of faith.


Marcia accepting The Word Award for

her short story, An Unexpected Glory at Write! Canada 2014                              

Marcia Lee Laycock writes from central Alberta Canada where she is a pastor's wife and mother of three adult daughters. She was the winner of The Best New Canadian Christian Author Award for her novel, One Smooth Stone. Her second novel, A Tumbled Stone was also short listed in the contemporary fiction category of The Word Awards in 2013. 

Marcia's work was short-listed in three categories at Write! Canada's Gala Award Ceremony held June 11th, 2014, in Guelph Ontario, Canada. Her work has been endorsed by Sigmund Brouwer, Janette Oke, Phil Callaway and Mark Buchanan. 

Abundant Rain, an ebook devotional for writers can be downloaded here

Visit Marcia’s  Website  to learn more about her writing and speaking ministry



  1. Hi Marcia! Thanks for your recap of Ted's Talk! Ted is my favourite author, so it was both thrilling and encouraging to hear him speak. It was definitely one of my highlights of the conference. Loved his stories on strawberries and sand castles. He is an amazing storyteller and it comes out in all of his books (I think I've read about 30 of them!). I loved that he was so open and honest with us. In his workshop he shared his publishing journey and it was encouraging to find out that he started where all new authors start....with rejections. Such a blessing to hear him speak.

    It was great meeting you! God bless.

  2. This is fantastic. I've always figured Ted was deep, and it's nice to see it come out. He's right about finding the greatest conflict within ourselves and bleed o the page. The story may not be about that particular one, but the emotions come through. Great post, Marcia!

  3. Thanks Marcia for sharing those keen insights. What a wonderful perspective. It was great to read this just as I set out on another day of writing.

  4. I really needed to hear/read some of those, Marcia! Thank you for sharing the highlights from Ted's talk!


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