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Five Inspirational Truths for Authors

Monday, December 05, 2011


What have been the benefits to you in having relationships with reading groups?

I love reading groups because dedicated readers "speak" the same language as I do. I love hearing about what they read and what they like and dislike about the books they've discussed. Readers who are part of reading groups are my target audience because they understand fiction. They are impacted by themes and characterization and setting and all the things that writers like me love.

Where would you like to see your relationship with reading groups grow? How do you think your goals can be met?

Well, I have an EXCITING way that I'm hoping to grow my relationship with reading groups. I have a new system on my website that allows me to do Video Book Club Chats. This allows me to visit a bookclub LIVE. Book clubs can find out more information here: ... they can even book me for an upcoming event!

Book Signing in York, PA

Book Signing in York, PA

Do you have a set size a reading group has to be before you'll talk to them on the phone or in person? What do you feel most comfortable doing?

I'm comfortable with two people, twenty people or two hundred people! I just love talking about book! That being said, I wish I had unlimited time, but since I don't I appreciate groups being 10+ members. I know that people have other commitments and might not be able to make all the meetings, but for me to tell my family, "I have to visit a book club tonight," I need to justify my ministry reach.

Which type of book club meeting do you prefer? Why?

It's super fun visiting book clubs in person. Then I get to talk to members about all types of things, but being their "virtually" is the next best thing!

Do you learn about your book and yourself from book club meetings? If so what?

Speaking to a group in Shippensburg

I've discovered that readers are VERY smart. I can't offer easy answers or become lazy in my writing. What I've learned about myself is I have similar themes in my books, such as unplanned pregnancy or abandonment issues. When I listen to readers discussing my books I discover they often figure stuff out about me that I didn't see myself. LOL!

Did you learn more about your characters than what you had originally intended? Have you been surprised by readers’ reactions to one of your books? Characters? If so, which ones?

Most of the time I'm not surprised by the readers' reactions. I actually think about what type of reaction I want the reader to have concerning a character before I write them. What does surprise me is how readers pay attention to little clues I drop in, things I think most people won't notice. It's fun! It's like hiding Easter Eggs. They DO get found by smart readers.

Has your book club experience - getting feed back from reading groups - helped you in writing future books? If so, how has it helped you?

Yes. It has helped me know what readers like. When I think of book ideas I often think of specific groups or readers and then ask, "Would they like this book?" I helps me to narrow down my ideas into ones that I can see people talking about at book club! LOL.

What do you think about ebooks and future sales of your book? How will authors do book signings with an ebook reading crowd?

I'm actually excited about ebooks because I think it gets the books into hands of people who might not have picked it up before. I haven't thought about book signings before ebook style BUT after doing LOTS of book signings this year I've discovered even readers who mostly read my books in ebook form will come and meet me--and buy a paperback book and have me sign it--if I'm in town!

Can you Please give us a peek into what you are working on Now and when it will be released?

I have three upcoming releases: Chasing Mona Lisa (Revell) is a WWII high-adreline novel that I wrote with Mike Yorkey. It releases January 2012.

By the Light of the Silvery Moon (Barbour) is a novel about the Titanic. It releases March 2012, just in time for the 100th Anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic.

Beyond Hope's Valley (B and H) is my 3rd novel in my Big Sky Amish Series. It releases April 2012.

I just finished writing The Memory Jar (Zondervan) which is my first Amish novel in the Seven Brides for Seven Bachelors Series! It'll be out Fall 2012.

I'm currently writing two books, Love Finds You in Glacier Bay, Alaska (Summerside). I'm writing this with my friend and co-author Ocieanna Fleiss.

I'm also writing Lead Like Jesus for Parents (Focus on the Family) an non-fiction book I'm writing with Ken Blanchard and Phil Hodges.

I'm working on two more Amish novels; too, so all those things keep me busy!

Nora : ***WOW*** You are one busy lady!! EXCITING for us!! I’m excited to read your new books!

I'm EXCITED about the GIVEAWAY OPPORUNITY - B and H is offering at The Book Club Network

Starting DECEMBER 1st.
They are giving away 5 copies of your newest Amish Book Called ALONG WOODED PATHS. Anyone can join in the fun. Just check out The Book Club Network

On DECEMBER 7th Tricia will be giving away

(1) complete set of Chronicles of The Spanish Civil War (1) set of her new Amish series which includes two books so far and (1) signed copy of Remembering You and (1) signed copy of 3:16 for Teens. Exciting month ahead. Mark your calendar. Hope to see many of you there!

What do you hope your readers take away from your new book Along Wooded Paths?

I hope my readers walk away wanting to be more open to the stories around them. My greatest joy would be if they'd take the time to invite a veteran to share his or her experiences with them. These stories need to be remembered!

Thanks Tricia for sharing about your book club experience and your photos. It was great to catch up with you this summer at the ICRS conference in Atlanta!!

Nora St.Laurent
The Book Club Network

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  1. Thanks for stopping by, Tricia! Love seeing your granddaughter with you. :) I think Nora has singlehandedly exploded book clubs across the USA! Nora, you are a writer's best friend!!!

  2. Nora, you are amazing! Thanks for interviewing me! Ane, that's my sweet daughter. Our adoption was finalized just this September. I can understand the mistake though because I have a grandson who is 5 months! LOL


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