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Thursday, March 11, 2010

So... how ya doing? Revisiting our 2010 goals

We asked you to share your 2010 goals and I wanted to see how we were progressing.

I'm doing well with some, not so well with others. (You can read my goals in the comment section.) For instance, I've decided not to take ads at this time on Novel Journey. I also haven't mentored a writer and don't have time to take this on at this particular moment, (I have a book due the end of May and well, I ain't even close to being finished.) On the other hand, I have been keeping up with my critique partners, pushing them and being pushed by them. I've also done a pretty good job at promoting my upcoming novel, (I'll just bet you know the name of it... ha.)

What about you? If you left your goals in the comment section, how are you doing with them? If not, do you remember what they were? Share your progress. Inquiring minds want to know!

As has become customary here at Novel Journey, we'd love if you'd share your writing goals for 2010. We'll revisit them this summer when I repost this just to keep you on track and see how you're doing.

Happy new decade everyone! May it be the best one yet!

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  1. Gina's: 1. write a kick butt sophmore novel and turn it in on time.

    2. do my best to promote Crossing Oceans.

    3. Start taking ads on NJ to cover the ever-building costs.

    4. Mentor another writer.

    5. Continue to help my critique partners grow and succeed.

  2. 1. To be more disciplined with my time by prioritizing things and make my writing come first.

    2. To be the best crit partner I can be.

    3. To blog more. :)

  3. 1. Grow in my craft.

    2. Write a new book and send it through my crit group.

    3. Polish up three previous projects and get the proposals into circulation.

    4. Continue to blog.

  4. 1. In the words of Tony Horton, "Bring it!" to my writing.
    2. Have Flab Fighters (there, I've named it) ready for submission by the ACFW conference.
    3. Write 6000 words per week.
    4. Be as hard on my crit partners as I want them to be on me!
    5. Enjoy the journey.

  5. hmm... moving to London next week, hoping such a complete change in life will prove a catalyst for the novel I've been percolating over a year, and turn a spigot somewhere.

  6. Noel, I didn't know you're moving to London! Email me. I have a couple places for you to be sure to visit, and I have the secret to finding great fish & chips in London. :)

  7. Noel, moving to London?????? What? Why? I'm torn between jealousy and confusion. Do tell!

  8. Mine aren't realy in "order"...

    1. Rediscover consistency in writing--write EVERY day, regardless of excuses. I used to be very good about this, but life interfered during 2009.

    2. Renew my commitment to my fab crit partners to "be there" for them always.

    3. Give back. I want to mimick those who helped me get where I am; I want to give back by giving help, etc., to new, aspiring writers.

    4. Come up a new & killer kick-butt series for Agent-man to pitch late this fall.

    5. Be available and flexible for whatever marketing, etc., needs to be done to launch Dead Reckoning and Digitalis this year. Yay!!

  9. Well, Ane said mine. To those I will add: to grow in trusting myself, in writing and in life. Which really is trusting God.

    Happy New Year! Thank you all for Novel Journey.


  10. Good add, CurtissAnn! Nice to "see" you this year. LOL

  11. Here's mine:
    **Polish completed manuscript while seeking agent/publisher;
    **Complete abandoned manuscript and enter it in appropriate contests;
    **Maintain blog-updating schedule;
    **On the nonfiction trail, one query/submission a week.

    Though if (when) my novel gets contracted, that one about nonfiction may not last long!

  12. 1. Attend ACFW (for the first time)
    2. Finish WIP to enter into the Genesis
    3. Be more consistent in my writing (250 words per week - life is busy)
    4. Develop a deeper relationship with the Author of my faith and inspiration

  13. Ah...goals. Are those anything like resolutions??

    Mine are pretty basic:

    1. Finish my novel for Summerside and turn it in on time (February 1st is creeping, creeping)

    2. Take the initiative and work on my Ellis Island series--power of postitive thinking, right?

    3. Work with my publicist to promote my books, and take MANY notes so I can apply the things I learn to all of my work.

    4. Blog, blog, blog. Facebook, facebook, facebook.

  14. Envious of Noel. London. Wow.

    My writing goal? Hmmm. How about developing a passion again. I have no oomph or hunger at all. Writing has become purely functional and conversational... maybe okay...but.

    Not sure I know what to do about it...

  15. *to write deeper
    *to figure out a way to streamline the process of marketing
    *to hit double digits (10) in contracted/published books by the end of 2010

  16. I TOLD you, remember? I'm a part-time nanny... went to Kiev last fall, and this year I'll work in London for five months.

    But the kids this time are 9 and 12, so I'm hoping to have extra time on my hands, not just to explore London, but to write. (Or, write AS I explore London!:) I like what Kelly said about developing a passion again. And Ronie, about rediscovering consistency in writing. Those speak to me.

  17. Here are my top five -
    1 - finish the sequel to One Smooth Stone and get it to my publisher on time (February).
    2 - work at finding more speaking engagements
    3 - edit and submit a YA novel that's been on the back burner for too long
    4 - write and submit at least 6 articles for magazines/newspapers.
    5 - keep up with the blogs I'm writing for (4) and be more consistent with my own.

  18. Sandra, mine is to crack single digits in published/contracted books in 2010. Sigh.

  19. Writing goals for 2010

    1. finish final edit of book SC
    2. send out queries to agent/editor
    3. begin a blog
    4. rewrite book DH
    5. become a better writer, storyteller

  20. Setting goals for 2010 is a must for me. I'll never get anything done if I don't.
    1. Get my manuscripts in by deadline which means writing everyday. (I have two coming up quick)
    2. Get my website revamped and up to date.
    3. Find more speaking engagements for 2010
    (I'd love to do a few for women's retreats and get togethers)
    4. To take better care of myself with diet, exercise, and sleep so that I can think clearly to write.
    And most important of all:
    Keep up with my devotional time and Bible reading and grow closer to my Lord who gives me the inspiration and words I need to write.

  21. Here's my update.

    **Polish completed manuscript while seeking agent/publisher -- just came home from Florida Christian Writer's conference; one publisher requested manuscript, two others requested proposal. Yeah!

    **Complete abandoned manuscript and enter it in appropriate contests -- can't do this one until I get above submissions sent out.

    **Maintain blog-updating schedule -- not doing so great here, but received good advice at FCWC on combining two blogs. Will work on that this weekend.

    **On the nonfiction trail, one query/submission a week -- I've submitted five queries/submissions so far this year, but (once again) because of the FCWC, I've realized my novel needs to take top priority. So good-bye to this goal.

  22. Update on my goals for 2010:

    Sent out 4 manuscripts for non-fiction so far.

    Received request for a full on my novel.

    Entered one contest in February.

    Revamped my website, and it will be going live this weekend.

  23. Well, goals need to be flexible. Sounds like you ladies are doing well. Good job!


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