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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sunday Devotion- Big Small Things

Janet Rubin

My friend Judith and her daughter Emily recently started a ministry they're calling KWAM (knitters with a mission.) They are knitting scarves for orphans in other countries. Bubbling with excitement, Judith told those of us gathered at our artists' group about the new ministry. She showed us the brightly-colored scarves she'd been feverishly knitting each night and the fliers she printed to give out at church. Judith and Emily called their first project (scarves for orphans in Chile) "Chile-warmers."
The next thing they knew, knitters were popping out of the woodwork, dusting off their needles and setting to work. Others were donating yarn or money. And soon, Judith had over sixty scarves and $60.00 to send to Chile. In an email, Judith said this:
"Nothing else is more important to me in my life right now than doing something that is what God is calling me to do. Sometimes I have been (almost) thinking.....this isn't much. but I cut those thoughts out, because HE gave me this passion. And any passion of HIS is not a small passion. What a beautiful gift from all the wonderful people who knitted and crocheted.we had beautiful things from women 85 and 88 years old!!! they thought they had nothing left in life to do for the Lord! this has touched MANY MANY ways."
What Judith said about thinking that what she was doing wasn't "much" hit home with me. I'm just one of those people who dreams big. I want to do BIG things. Problem is, my definition of "big" is different that God's. My definition usually includes something that brings me glory. His definition is all about others, and His vision blesses so many. I love hearing about those elderly women who were able to knit and contribute to Judith's project. How sweet and tender of our God to show them that, yes, He was still pleased to use them- their hearts, their hands, their prayers. He is using His vision to bless Judith and Emily, and who knows how many children, first in Chili and soon in Ukraine. Now, He is using Judith's "little" idea to bring churches together; seems some other churches got wind of this and their people are knitting too!
Do you think your service for God is small? One time, a little boy offered a meager lunch to Jesus...and Jesus used it to feed 5,000. It isn't the size of the offering, brothers and sisters. It's the size of our God...and He is BIG. And like Judith said, "Any passion of His is not a small passion." Did He put a passion for writing in your heart? Then write, and write for Him! He will use it.
Matthew 14: 17-18 "We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish," they answered.
"Bring them here to me," he said.
Dear God, Thank You for Judith and Emily. Please continue to encourage them and to use their efforts in amazing ways. I ask Your blessing on every child who receives a scarf- that each one will feel warm and loved and will come to know You. Help us not to believe the lies of the enemy, who tells us our offerings are too small to matter. All you need is a mustard seed's worth of faith and a heart willing to follow the passions You put there. Thank you for caring about knitters and orphans and silly writers like me, who have big dreams and a lot left to learn. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what an awesome idea! Too often we are so limited in what we think we can do for God... these women are thinking outside the box. What an encouragement and inspiration! :)


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