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Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Audio Sneak Preview ~ Peretti

This is a five minute excerpt from Frank Peretti's interview. The interview will be posted April 19th.


  1. Fantastic! I loved hearing Peretti's voice. Thanks, Gina, for the peek into what you do.

    L. Ludwig

  2. Wow, Gina you're getting high tech! It's so funny- we've talked for months on-line but it never occurred to me you had a cute little southern accent! I'm sure if we meet at a conference, I'll sound mighty New England-y to you:) Very cool interview. Can't wait to read it all.

  3. Thanks Janet. I'm hate hearing myself. My voice is so much more gentile in my head, you know? And I'm a yankee in the south (been here 9 years) so, if you hear an occasional 'yo' come through, you'll understand.

    I thought hearing me might weird some of my crit partners out. You get this pic in your head, or voice and it never matches up.

    Sorry for the static. We're at the mercy of a long distance company, then mini-tape. Oh well. Thanks Janet.

  4. oops, thanks Lisa. Your post wasnn't up when I posted. Some weird blogger thing. Appreciate your comment though.

    Now stop blogging and get busy with the next chapter. I've got to know what happens!


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