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Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Links of interest

Since I'm going to be on the road, don't know if I'll get the chance to post and I wanted to share a couple of links. Don has recently received a make-over, and it's about time! (For his site I mean.) The new look is great, and since I'm a huge Don Brown fan, and after Thanksgiving dinner, plan to be even huger, I of course had to share my enthusiasm. So, check out the new look. And if you're interested, I'm starting a petition for Don to update his one with a smile.

Also, this is a weird blog/web-site that I've started following. Strange, me likey! (I realize this is an awkward statement to make right after admitting to being a Don Brown fan. Oh well, the truth is the truth. Sorry, Don.

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well, Gina! And all you other folks, too! Let's remember to be thankful that God's put such a wonderful calling in our hearts ... to write for His glory. And thanks you, Lord, for guiding us each step of the way down the paths you have for each and every one of us.

  2. Amen, CJ. We are so blessed to be given such an enormous potential to reach out to a lost world. I'm so thankful He trusts a wretch like me!


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