After a very busy week at the ob/gyn clinic, I get to temporarily trade in my busy and satisfying role as nurse and go back to being a writer. Clark Kent gets to be superman for two whole days.
Being a nurse is a great job. Really, if anyone's thinking of doing it, do. It's as satisfying a career as you can get. But, as much as I love what I do, I am so giddy about throwing on a pair of sweats and sitting at the keyboard with a cup of coffee and my thesaurus.
If I make mistakes in the clinic, I could hurt someone. A mom. A baby. Forever. Wow, that's a lot of responsibility.
If I make a mistake writing, I send it to my critique group, they point it out and I fix it. Wow, that's a relief. No heavy burden there. Or is there?
Come to think of it, if my book gets published, my words could be around for centuries, affecting forever, those who read them. Shaping opinions, representing my savior Jesus Christ to fiction readers. Now, that is a big responsibility.
Huh. So much for a low stress weekend. But, at least with writing, there's always the final edit. Not so with medicine. No do overs there.
Come to think of it, I guess I'm superman during the week and Clark Kent on the weekends when I write. What do you think?
Friday, July 15, 2005
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» Where's My Cape?
Where's My Cape?
Friday, July 15, 2005
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