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Wednesday, July 13, 2005

He's Driving me Crazy

The weeks half over and I haven't started the new chapter.

I haven't even finished the last one. I mean it's written, but something isn't right. I know it in my gut, the same way I know when my son sticks his tongue out at me behind my back. I can feel it.
I can't move on until I iron out what's bothering me.

I introduced a new character in a foreign country and set up the details that later on will hopefully make the reader realize I played fair when this character's true identity is revealed.

But, something's lacking. This character, he's driving me crazy. He's not stirring up any trouble. I like trouble. Readers like trouble. There's none.
That spells disaster for writing.

No conflict, no story.

I wonder if I can take just one little chapter off and let things be still, but, hello, this is a thriller I'm writing.

Thriller - conflict = yawn.

So, I'll let the story stew another day or two, let my subconcious work it out and then I'll fix it.

Hopefully, once it's rewritten, I'll be able to move on to the seemingly elusive half-way point...Chapter Twenty.

Hey, whaddaya know! While I was writing this, it came to me. What I need to up the ante. Bailey's going to run.

See, just like I've said before, sit butt in chair and the muse will come.


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