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Sunday, July 10, 2005

Out of Control

Okay, I am close to finishing Chapter 19. I've taken the story across the world to Cyprus. Introduced yet another pov character. Remember I wanted to keep my pov to 3?

Can't do it. I'm at 4 now. I've got a lot of characters to juggle. Much more than I'm used to. This book is a monster. Its complicated and getting more so with each new chapter.

If I can pull it off, it has great potential.

If I fail--great potential for disaster.

I was going to go along without plotting the rest for a few more chapters but I don't think I can at this point.

Too many things have to come together. So many twists and turns and potential surprises.

You know how hard it is to surprise today's savvy readers? Very. And to do it by playing fair feels near impossible.

But if I want this novel to be a winner, I need to do just that.

This week, I'll work on getting a rough outline for the rest of the book. Chapter by chapter. There's about twenty left. That's a whole lot of plotting.

I can do this.

Of course I can.

Can't I?


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