I'm so thankful I have Christian friends I can be honest with.
Lay it all on the table.
The naked truth.
And still be accepted and loved.
One of the things I love best about my church is the ability of at least a good many of the members to get real with each other.
There are always those that walk around with a super-glued smile and don't sin. Don't even seem to struggle with wrong doing.
That's not reality. Not for any of us. We're human and fallible.
It's good for us to be honest with each other. When someone asks us "how you doing?" Its good to say, "not so well" when we're not.
Sin loves darkness. We as sinners, love to keep our sin in hiding. But, bringing it into light by confessing it, will help overcome.
Darkness hates the light.
What does this have to do with writing?
We need to get real with our words to make them powerful.
Shine light on the darkness.
Sometimes we write and worry what our grandmother would think if she read it and then tone it down until it lacks flavor--and authenticity.
Christians struggle with sins, just like the unsaved do. We're no better. Just forgiven. Its okay to admit it.
I struggle with sin. Shocked? Didn't think so.
If we want our writing to touch people, really speak to them where they live, we need to get real. Let it all hang out. Raw emotion. Bare our souls, good and bad. Be vulnerable.
Others need to know they're not alone in their battles, others struggle too--we struggle too. And God willing, overcome.
So, get your razor out, sit down at your desk, and open that vein. Let your readers know, you bleed, just like they do.
Monday, July 11, 2005
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» Get Real
Get Real
Monday, July 11, 2005
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