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Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Party Over...Back to the Grind

Okay, I'm over the initial excitement of hearing there is interest in my second book. My optimism is waning as the task of writing a novel that may or may not sell is at hand.

I'm currently on chapter 17 out of what I guess will be about 40 chapters. 23 chapters left to write. That's pretty daunting.

But, I guess I'll write this one the same way I did the last one. One word at a time, one page at a time, one chapter at a time and so on.

I haven't heard from my agent so I'm not sure if he even received the ms I sent. I wonder did he get it? What did he think of it? Maybe I'll e-mail him and just make sure he got it. Otherwise, I'll spend the next 3 months wondering if it is floating around in cyberspace rather than on the editor's desk.


  1. The Wait is definitely the hardest part. Keep truckin', Gina! You'll succeed if you never give up. The Lord's got a mighty plan for your life. Don't ever let anyone talk you out of it. This publishing business just takes a whole lot of time. :-)

  2. Thanks CJ! You are a sweetheart and an inspiration to me. More than you know. As one of my favorite authors told me not so long ago, we fledglings must stick together.


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