It's been months since I've written a new chapter.
I was, of course, working hard to edit my first MS. So, sloth wasn't the culprit.
When I learned I had interest in my second novel, The Demon Chaser, I knew I had to get busy. The book is only one-third of the way done.
I've spent weeks trying to think of what should happen next. And, I was a bit blocked, I must say. Writer's block isn't normally something I struggle with.
It seems the longer I thought, the more daunting the task of writing the next scene became.
But, the day before yesterday I sat at my computer and tapped away. I came up with a couple of paragraphs and stopped.
I knew I was on to something. My chapter 17 is a scene from Hell, literally.
I finished the first draft of it yesterday and will look at it again today when I finish work. Then, I'll run it by my critique group to gage reaction. I want to see if my description of hell, satan, and demons rings true. It does to me, but I don't only write for myself.
Now that I'm back on the horse, I feel much more confident I can do this. I can finish this manuscript. I wrote "Chapter 18" on my chalk board in the kitchen. And when that is done, I'll erase that and write "Chapter 19".
That's how I got through writing Saving Eden. Just seeing that number change every week, progressing toward the goal, kept me motivated.
No matter how slow the process. I could see for myself, I was getting there. If I write just one chapter a week. Which is pretty conservative. It only has to be a first draft, mind you. I will have the rough draft in about 5 months. That's not bad. I hope to average 2 a week so I can be done in 2-3 months and have an extra 2 months to edit. That's the real work anyway.
Well, now I've got 12 minutes to curl my hair, put my make-up and shoes on and get out the door to work. I'll make it to the OB clinic on time. Somehow, I always do. Hopefully, I'll have the same luck with my manuscript.
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
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I'm Back Baby
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
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