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Five Inspirational Truths for Authors

Thursday, May 25, 2017

She Couldn't, But She Did

by Peter Leavell @PeterLeavell

Once upon a time, a young girl wanted…

But then she was told she couldn’t. And she believed them.

My temperature rose 10 degrees writing those words, even though my heart chilled to absolute zero. Repression of any kind is wrong and must stop. But here's the rub. Overcoming repression makes for fantastic stories.

I’ve written on gender bias, slavery, Native Americans, and religious topics. At the moment, I'm obsessed with female repression. (To be clear, I love hearing how the oppression was overcome, thus learning a bit more about how I can be of service to the oppressed.)

Repression, force or control over someone, is prevalent in every society, in all times. NOT FUN. But again, overcoming repression makes for fantastic stories.

The American West is no different in their sins than any other culture, but the specific repressions thrown together by different powers are unique. So when I write westerns, I combine my obsession with repressed females with bad dudes wearing guns, and boom, page turner.

But here's where my westerns are different.

I give the girl a gun. And you know what? That's how some women in the American West solved their repression issues. Because overcoming repression makes for fantastic stories.

Does the feminine mystique only go so far when pitted against masculinity? Instead of blurring these gender differences, I love to enhance them. Why? Because each person has qualities and weaknesses that are unique. And when you bring their skills together, they solve common problems. They do in my novels.

To see if I celebrate the differences of gender roles or blend them or disregard them, read my latest novel, Shadow of Devil’s Tower.

Once upon a time, a young girl wanted…

But then she was told she couldn’t. Then she planned, worked hard, and it happened.

She Couldn't, But She Did by Peter Leavell (Click to Tweet)

Overcoming repression makes for fantastic stories.~ Peter Leavell (Click to Tweet)

But here's where my westerns are different. I give the girl a gun.~ Peter Leavell (Click to Tweet)

Peter Leavell, a 2007 graduate of Boise State University with a degree in history, was the 2011 winner of Christian Writers Guild's Operation First Novel contest, and 2013 Christian Retailing's Best award for First-Time Author. His latest book, Shadow of Devil's Tower, is out now! Peter and his family live in Boise, Idaho. Learn more about Peter's books, research, and family adventures at


  1. Excellent post. Repression is a type of man vs. man conflict that we often overlook, but even in modern times I've bumped noses with it often. Fortunately, I didn't require a gun to solve my dilemmas, but the self-doubt and anger one feels in the face of repression are probably about the same in any generation.

    1. 'self-doubt and anger one feels in the face of repression are probably about the same in any generation' that's a fantastic thought...thanks, Lynn!

    2. How inspiring it must be to have you for a father, both as a role model and an example of the type of husband to choose.


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