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Saturday, November 14, 2015

5 Tips to Recover from #NaNoWriMo Mistakes

Author Michelle Lim is the Brainstorming/Huddle Coach with My Book Therapy Press and the Midwest Zone Director for American Christian Fiction Writers. Michelle’s Genesis winning romantic suspense is represented with Books & Such Literary Agency. Michelle’s New Release - Idea Sparking: 30 Idea Sparks to Write a Novel in a Month releases October 27th. Since her nonfiction book release, Idea Sparking: How To Brainstorm Conflict In Your Novel, through public speaking and online chats Michelle helps writers discover the revolutionary power of brainstorming to bring new life to their stories. Connect with Michelle as , @MichelleLim24 on Twitter, and Facebook.

5 Tips to Recover from NaNoWriMo Mistakes

National Novel Writing Month is a challenge for any writer who chooses to embark on the journey to a novel in a month. As with any challenge there are setbacks along the way. How we deal with those setbacks will determine whether or not we recover from our mistakes.

Are you part way into NaNoWriMo and far behind on your goals?

It isn’t too late to change the outlook of your thirty-day novel journey. Here are a few Idea Sparking Strategies to get you started.

5 Tips to Recover from NaNoWriMo Mistakes:
  • Let go of guilt. Everyone makes mistakes and everyone fails sometimes. The trick is picking yourself up and continuing on the road to success. Guilt only stymies progress and takes the focus off of reaching our goals to look at our failings. Set guilt aside and push past your mistakes.
  • Spend time to self-reflect on your writing habits that interfered with your goals. If you plan to get back on track, it is helpful to identify what stood in the way of previous success. Then modify your plans to overcome these issues.
  • Continue to look forward, not back. Whatever goals you have made and failed to reach are in the past. Look forward to what can be accomplished in the following three weeks of NaNoWriMo and keep pressing toward weekly goals.
  • Set bonus goals in small chunks for previously missed goals. They are something that can be added if you choose once your regular word count is done. Look at these as no obligation challenges to take on if you feel inspired.
  • Celebrate each snapshot in time. Celebrate the moments as they come, each moment being its own entity to enjoy. Find many ways to celebrate throughout NaNoWriMo.
Looking for more tips to help you on your thirty-day novel journey?
My New Release is just $0.99 on Amazon.

an author on a thirty-day novel journey. Daily idea prompts assist authors in finding the inspiration to write. With personal experience insights and goal setting reflections, this book is the perfect resource for the writer who wants to write a novel in a month, or the author looking for a resource for their everyday writing journey. What you will find in this incredible resource:

A weekly inspirational focus to get you ready to write
Daily Idea Sparks to spark your creativity and get you writing
Mini writing craft tips that enhance your writing
Daily Mid-day Milestones with thought-provoking questions to improve writing habits
Weekly Check-Ups to retune your process to set you up for success

Now, join the conversation! What helps you get back on track when your writing goals derail?

1 comment:

  1. I am a huge newbier to it all but this is my second NaNoWriMo. What has helped me so far is to fling something way out there at my characters. Thanks for the post. I am definitely going to look into picking up Michelle's new ebook. I have Idea Sparking: How to Brainstorm Conflict in Your Novel which I love. :)


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