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Sunday, January 11, 2015

The End of an Era

Yes, my friends, we’re at the end of an era. Or at least, the end of a half-decade.

We started the Launch Pad Contest as an experiment in 2010, back when this blog was called Novel Journey. We had no idea how it would work, or even if we’d have any entrants. But you never know until you try, right?

So we fiddled around with it, tweaking the format here and there. Changes included adding a Nonfiction category in 2013 (and removing it the following year) as well as adding an entry fee. That enabled us to present the Grand Prize winner with that oh-so-fun blown glass rocket trophy. 

The contest was well received for the first few years, and it kept us judges quite busy at times. But when the number of entries dwindled in 2014, it seemed time to re-evaluate. As a result, we’re not conducting the contest this year. 

If you’ve been polishing up a manuscript in anticipation of entering, we apologize! But it ain't over till it's over, and we may not be done with it yet. Depending on the feedback that comes in (combined with other factors), we may start it up again in the future. However, we will not be taking entries in 2015.

Speaking of feedback, I’m keeping the email account open (NovelRocketContest at gmail doc com), so feel free to get in touch with me about your thoughts and suggestions for the future.

I’d like to thank all who have helped keep the contest going for the past five years by entering their
stories, which provided me with the opportunity to meet some new writers – also thanks to those on the Novel Rocket team who helped judge the entries, which enabled me to get to know them a little better, too.

All in all, it’s been fun. So let’s not think of this as Goodbye, but rather, See ya around!

Yvonne Anderson writes fiction that takes you out of this world.
Book a flight through the Gateway to Gannah for some serious sci-fi adventure!


  1. You did a fantastic job as the coordinator of the contest, Yvonne. A million thanks, my friend!

  2. You really were on top of things with this contest, Yvonne. What a great opportunity it was for writers, but totally understand the need to stop with submissions dwindling, etc. Thank you!

  3. :( Sorry to see this go, but I concur you are an amazing coordinator. Among other amazing things.

  4. You're all too kind! It's been an honor and a privilege.

  5. As this year's winner, I'm sorry to see it go and wish that more people had taken advantage of it. It was a great opportunity for exposure. Thanks to everyone for their time and input.

  6. Yvonne, thank you so much for your years of service to this contest. It's been such a blessing to many and you did an amazing and selfless job!


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