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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

What Should We be Reading?

I stopped over at my friend, Susan Meissner's blog this morning and she was talking about a book she'd read, The Book Thief. It sounds like she recommends it.

I haven't had a lot of time to read for pleasure lately since I'm on a tight deadline, but I'll be looking for something amazing to read soon. I was hoping you all would share some books you may have read that are particularly good.

My recommendation is Jessica Dotta's Born of Persuasion. Yes, she is my best-friend. But I promise you that's not why I'm recommending her. She's good. I mean REALLY good. If you read some of her early reviews you'll see that I'm not in the minority in saying so.

What fabulous reads can you recommend? Thanks for sharing. Oh and those of you heading off the ACFW conference.... I'm only slightly jealous. Give Ane Mulligan a big hug for me!

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  1. G, if you haven't, you must read Vince Flynn's books. Start with American Assassin and read through to The Last Man. (His first Term Limits is as relevant as any of them but doesn't include the best hero ever Mitch Rapp.)

    Robert Liparulo's The Thirteenth Tribe and the sequel Judgment Stone if you enjoy supernatural speculative.

    Steven James and Chris Fabry's novels (although completely different genres) are quality fiction.

    That should keep you busy. Oh, and Alton Gansky's latest Wounds is very good. Oh, and Athol Dickson's new series beginning with January Justice is absolutely fabulous.

  2. Thanks, Gina! I really appreciate it!

    I've been meaning to read The Book Thief for years. The kids at the school I sub at are in love with it.

    I always recommend Liz Curtis Higgs and Francine Rivers for historical readers. Lately I've been reading Jodi Picoult when I get a chance. Her novels are long and satisfying.

  3. Thanks, Gina! I really appreciate it!

    I've been meaning to read The Book Thief for years. The kids at the school I sub at are in love with it.

    I always recommend Liz Curtis Higgs and Francine Rivers for historical readers. Lately I've been reading Jodi Picoult when I get a chance. Her novels are long and satisfying.

  4. Thanks, Gina! I really appreciate it!

    I've been meaning to read The Book Thief for years. The kids at the school I sub at are in love with it.

    I always recommend Liz Curtis Higgs and Francine Rivers for historical readers. Lately I've been reading Jodi Picoult when I get a chance. Her novels are long and satisfying.

  5. Thanks Nicole. I enjoy Alton, Liparulo and love Fabry's stuff. I haven't been too much into anything thriller-y in the last few years. I've cycled into non-fiction for awhile. I probably read about 2-3 novels a year anymore. If that. I started reading Geraldine Brook's latest, but haven't been able to get into it. Adored her others though. Thanks for the recommends.

  6. Non-fiction: Chris Kyle's American Sniper if you want a hard and real look at what our Navy SEALs must do.

  7. My two best reads of the summer are "Killing Lincoln" and "Caleb's Crossing." Very different, and both excellent.


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