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Monday, April 22, 2013

A Tickle from Your To-Do List

Don't forget about our Launch Pad Contest, now in full swing.

The judges are currently reading and critiquing the entries for the first category, Suspense/Crime/Mystery/Thriller, and we'll announce the winner of that group on May 13.

Meanwhile, we're still taking submissions in all the other categories: General Fiction, Nonfiction, Middle Grade/Young Adult, Romance, and Speculative Fiction. So if you're an unpublished novelist -- or a never-before-published author of book-length nonfiction -- there's a place for you here!

Check out the complete rules on the Launch Pad Contest tab.

Don't delay for long, though, especially if you're interested in entering the General Fiction category. As you may recall, we've changed the categories a bit, merging Women's Fiction and Contemporary Fiction under this General Fiction heading.

Also, since we've eliminated the Historical designation, we're accepting historical pieces in different categories. So if you've written a historical romance, that now goes under Romance (there's no longer a separation of historical from contemporary). What if you have a historical drama about, say, Clara Barton, or the story of a young boy in ancient Rome? That's now included in General Fiction.

The official rules elaborate: "These are the stories that don’t quite fit the other categories and can include westerns, dramas, inspirational stories of personal growth, as well as comedy/humor. The setting can be either contemporary or historical."

Why are we nagging you about this? Because the submission deadline for this category is coming up right quick: May 10, 2013. And if we don't remind you, who will?

So if you've been thinking about entering but haven't quite decided, now's the time to jump down off that fence, cowboy!  

Questions? Email us at NovelRocketContest at

We're looking to hear from YOU today!


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