Sandra Bishop was
invited in 2009 to join MacGregor Literary, an agency consistently listed among
the top five dealmakers on Publishers Marketplace and was named ACFW's Agent of
the Year in 2010. Prior to agenting, Sandra worked in the marketing department
of a major CBA publishing company, and made a living as a freelance writer for
nearly a decade.
Career Planning in the Wild, Wild
While on an agent’s panel at ACFW
in September, I sat next to Lee Hough, one of the smartest and hardest working
agents in the business. While we all fielded the typical questions we get as
panelists, someone asked a question about the current state of affairs in
publishing, and how agents are faring.
I tend to take a positive,
entrepreneurial, and philosophical approach when answering questions about the
challenges of publishing.
Lee, however, hit the mark when he
said “It’s like the wild, wild west out there right now.” His summation about
the new landscape of publishing has really stuck with me. In fact, it’s a new
constant on the landscape of my daily work life these days — right alongside
MacGregor Literary’s long-standing company philosophy that “good is always
better than fast.”
As positive as I try to remain,
I’ll admit, it’s felt exceptionally difficult to place books and find homes for
authors these past few months. Even with the successes I’ve enjoyed this year
in spite of it all, it feels like I’m on more uneven ground than ever. And I
know agents aren’t the only ones who feel this way.
Marketers are constantly scrambling
to orient themselves to what it takes to get readers to buy in a noisy online
environment. Sales teams are faced with succeeding in spite of the literal
crumbling of their brick & mortar customer base. Publicists are being asked
to do more with less. Editors are overworked. Authors are no longer just
invited by publishers to help market their books, but are expected to do so. In
fact more and more, the strength of an author’s proposal is weighed as much for
the type and number of readers they bring to the table as it is for the quality
of their writing. Maybe more.
Top that off with the
consideration that authors are not only competing with other authors for shelf
space, but with the reality that booklovers are so easily lured away from the
rewards of leisure reading by endorphin fixes that pummeling pigs with birds,
or outrunning evil demon monkeys can deliver far more instantly.
If I think about it too hard, it
can start to feel fruitless to spend time and energy building a serious
novelist’s career in a time when e-books have flooded the market and caused
so much confusion over what is good and what resembles cow dung. But, I
have faith in my ability to help sort out the good from the bad for publishers
and authors, and I figure that’s worth something. A lot, actually.
Still, I’m sure I’m not the only
agent who feels like it’s us in the hot seat these days. We’re constantly
having to urge our authors who want to go the traditional publishing route to
be patient and wait for the right timing. It’s not always easy to encourage
authors to continue to wait for decisions from acquisition boards – decisions
that seem to be taking so much longer than ever – when the seemingly instant
brass ring of self-publishing is flashing in the corner of our collective eye.
E-publishers have an edge, of
course, when it comes to delivering content at rapid speed. But I believe it’s
the new frontier for them as well. In the end – finding readers and making the
grade still comes down to effective marketing, word of mouth, and content.
The good news on this front is
that where we’ve tended to take an either/or approach, I do think the two
are starting to merge. I’m excited to be talking with publishers about how
authors can do both successfully. We’re talking more and more about how market
savvy, and marketing savvy, authors can help publishers lead the way.
While I continue to take the long
view and keep my eye on the horizon, as we always try to do here
at MacGregor Literary, I’ll admit, Lee’s perspective gave me a huge pick-me-up
when I needed it, and actually has me riding a little higher in the saddle
these days.
Go ahead. Call
me an optimist. (Or, I suppose you could call me a cowgirl. Wouldn’t hurt my
feelings — I’ve got a hand tooled leather belt with my name on it, a silver
buckle, pointy black boots, and everything.)
I’m excited about authors who are in this for the
long haul and are willing to ride on rough ground. This new territory – Lee’s
“wild, wild west” is most definitely not for the faint of heart – and, honestly,
that suits me just fine.
NR: From Lee's
CaringBridge site, he wrote on Nov 4th, "Two weeks ago, however, my latest MRI showed a new cancer
spot." He goes on to report the cancer is only in one spot and along the scar
line where he was operated on before – meaning that it’s accessible again, and
they’re catching it early. Lee's journey is one of strong faith and a powerful
testimony. I encourage you to go to his CaringBridge site and read it for
yourself. And please, keep Lee in your prayers.
Sandra, truly a good post, and Lee's definitely a trooper and in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteI have just one contention in the analysis of this wild, wild west scenario. Long before e-books became the bane of traditional publishing, let's recall the percentage of fiction that earned back the advances. The professionals always like to speak of "quality" as if traditional publishing is the goal post for the scoring. Yet the "failures" in trad pubbing are numerous. Even if the majority of their selections break even as far as publishing costs, this doesn't prove their abilities to select quality from the boatload of selections available to them.
As you might remember, Sandra, this has been my complaint as my heavy-duty reading of CBA novels has confirmed. There are some truly great writers in Christian publishing, but average novels, certainly not outstanding or of the "highest" literary quality, dominate the landscape of the industry. All that to say this: something needed to shake up the biz. And if it's e-pubbing or self/vanity publishing, yay for it.