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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS!

Every year, numerous countries hold beauty pageants, including Miss America, Miss Teen USA, Miss Universe, and many more. If you have ever watched a pageant, or perhaps the movie Miss Congeniality, you already know the answer to the interview question, “What is the one most important thing our society needs?”; it’s world peace.

While world peace is a great hope for the future, and a prayer to put in God’s hands, it is unlikely that any of us will work on world peace in our lifetimes. The easiest way to begin spreading peace is to start within yourself. 

How much stronger would our cities be if we worked on peace in our homes and at work? Unresolved conflict leads to disputes, anger, injustice and war throughout the world. This remains true at home. When people refuse to be conciliatory, tension heightens and the conflict goes unresolved.

As children of God, we are called to love one another, which makes peacemaking more natural. A part of loving people is learning to forgive in the way God has forgiven us. While some may believe peaceful people are uninvolved and non-confrontational, peacemaking is active; it’s not silent. It means speaking up when you see a coworker break the law; it means offering amends to those you have wronged; it means forgiving the unforgivable.

In society, peacemaking contradicts the norm and you may face persecution when you work toward it. The disciples suffered endless persecution and even death to share the message of Jesus. Any time we choose Jesus’ teachings on peace, forgiveness and love, we step away from worldly ideas and upgrade our thinking. Though you may be judged, condemned and persecuted, when this occurs for the sake of righteousness, you will be blessed. 

If you want to change your life and find the pathway to the blessed life, stand up for the truth. Speak up. Pursue peace.

Matthew 5:9 (NAS): Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. 

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Sandra D. Bricker is a best-selling and award-winning author of laugh-out-loud romantic comedy for the Christian market. Her most popular series (that started with Always the Baker Never the Bride) will conclude this spring with Always the Baker FINALLY the Bride, which is now available for pre-order at Amazon.

Sandie leads a team of writers in creating the Living It Out daily Bible study for CedarCreek Church. Today's devotion is based on the Living It Out study on following God’s precepts in your everyday life. If you enjoyed it, feel free to check out the daily studies by e-mail or audio podcast by clicking HERE.


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