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Monday, September 19, 2011

Ane Mulligan Signs Six Figure Book Contract!

Okay, so the title, well, I just wanted to see how that looked for fun. It made me smile and will probably furrow her brow. You see, Ane has never been about the money, and she hasn't actually signed a contract. Yet. Which is the reason for this post.

Our own Ane Mulligan has been working tirelessly here at Novel Rocket for the last six plus years for nothing more than the satisfaction of helping others. That's Ane!

I don't normally do stuff like this, but I'm asking for prayers for her as she attends the ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) Conference in the next few days.

I've been her critique partner for close to a decade, and have seen her grow into a fabulous writer. Let's see, Ane, what novel are you on now, is it 5, 6, or 7? Her latest novel series has all the appeal of Mitford and I think this is the one to earn her first contract.

Will you join me in prayer for this woman who's been giving selflessly to the writing community for years? First that the agent who fits her best will be the one she is lead to sign with, and the same for the right publisher?

She's been patiently waiting God's perfect timing and I think her time is finally coming.

Thanks so much, and Ane, something tells me this is your year. The Chapel Springs Series is wonderful my friend!

(Thanks to those of you who add your prayers to mine.)


  1. Oh, that made my heart skip a beat.

    Yes, I will pray.

  2. You bet! I'll need some iron-on patches for my jeans after I finish praying for this girl. Ane stories are high-rollers of hilarity but with a solid underpinning of faith. Her writing is polished and dang...if I were a publisher, I'd scoop the girl up. Here's hoping!

  3. Sometimes the work is so perfect, and the heart is so right, that God has to send angels to hold back publication. Why would He do that? I believe it is because of timing. He is setting up and "orchestrating" divine appointments, not only with industry professionals, but within the hearts of future readers, as well. Turning desire into destiny is more than a dream, it's a process. And the closer it gets, even those around us begin to sense an excitement of "the time being right." So, I will add my prayers to the others that this special week will be "…better than we could ever ask, or think."

    Because it's time.

  4. Boy! Talk about a shock when I clicked on NR today! LOL Thank you, Gina, for that blast!!

    And to the rest of y'all for the prayers. I firmly believe God has His time and place. And if you knew the whole story, you'd agree. LOL One day, I'll tell it.

    And Michelle, everyone needs a YOU in their corner. :)

  5. Ane,
    What an encouragement you are on this journey. As I "thank my God every time I remember you," I also add a prayer for those doors to open. Believing the time is close!

  6. Praying!! I've seen Ane working hard to learn her craft and I've seen how she gives generously to others! Her writing is good, it draws you in. She's also funny! She is creative and just knows how to say things.

    I too was taken by the title of this article Not that I don't expect this to happen anytime now, but because if this did happen I had hoped I'd had know this before it went to the loop or on the front page of Novel Rocket!! Grin!

    Praying my friend!! Praying!

    Blessings to you dear one!

    Nora St.Laurent

  7. Believing the title of this post is an agreement in Jesus' name! Not that Ane is about the money, I know enough from reading her work to know she does it for Him. I love everything about this post. The journey, the friendship, and the timing of amazing things yet to come.

  8. Ane, recently began corresponding with me, I felt so honored by her willingness to "teach", never did I grasp she was a some body other than a mom and a web user. Her life experiences contain so much. As she shares I learn I have missed much in my 31 years, yet she evokes truth and wisdom. Her faith strengthens mine.

  9. Y'all are so encouraging!

    Anita & Nora, yours are treasured friendships. Thank you, Julie. I appreciate your comments!

    And Lacey, what a joy to see you here. Your friendship means so much to me.

  10. Been praying and will keep praying!! You raise me up, Ane.

  11. Praying and cheering, praying and cheering--right here in MD. You've given so much on Novel Journey and Novel Rocket, Ane, and so much through the ACFW loop. Your generosity of spirit lifts and inspires mine. I absolutely LOVE the Mitford books--so anything that Gina compares to those is on my "to-be-read" list. I'll be eagerly awaiting the publication of your series, knowing that all things happen in God's perfect timing for His perfect reasons. The network of fans you have already built will stand you in wonderful stead with agents and publishers. Have a wonderful ACFW experience in St. Louis. So sorry I won't be there!

  12. Ane is such a sweetheart and has such a servant's heart! Count me in on her team of pray-ers!! Keep us posted! Love & prayers, Ane!!

  13. Julie, Cathy, Diane, y'all have added spring to my steps. Everyone at conference will have to look up, because I'm filled with helium-prayers!!

  14. Ditto Anita. Ane, you've been a tremendous encourager and servant and I'm blessed to know you. I'm praying for you, girl! And don't forget, I'm saving you a hug. Meet me at the elevator. :)

  15. You bet I will pray. Been praying for all those attending (I'm missing out this year!), but now will add Ane to "pray by name" list. May you be soooooo blessed, Ane! His timing will be perfect, however long or short it is. I'd have despaired and quit writing long ago if I didn't believe that to the bottom of my heart.

  16. Thank you, Camille. I'll be there waiting for my hug, girl!!

    And Lori, absolutely. In His time!!!

  17. I was just thinking about you the other day, Ane. It's kind of crazy that you aren't published yet. I will definitely be praying.

  18. Thank you, Dina. I appreciate the prayers so much!

  19. Ane already knows that I'm praying for her that this conference will be one very special one for her. God will bless her socks off.

  20. I agree with all of you, according to Matthew 18:19, that Ane connects with God's agent for her and gets the first of many contracts!



  21. I like what Pamela said, and I'll be praying that God will "bless her socks off" as well !!

  22. Aw, Ane, I'm praying. You do deserve it. Dang. You have perseverance, Girl.

  23. Thanks so much, y'all!!! Keeping on keeping on. :)


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