Ronie Kendig grew up an Army brat and married a veteran. Together, she and her husband have four children and three dogs. She has a BS in Psychology, speaks to various groups, and mentors new writers. Rapid-Fire Fiction, her brand, is exemplified through her novels Dead Reckoning, a spy thriller, and her military thriller series, The Discarded Heroes, which includes Nightshade (ICRA Finalist), Digitalis, Wolfsbane, and Firethorn (January 2012).
Ronie can be found at or

(Are you done laughing yet?)
Over the last 15 months since my debut release of Dead Reckoning, I’ve finaled in contests, received reader acclaim, been noted as a favorite new author, and it’s just been fabulous and encouraging. Truly unexpected but also thoroughly appreciated since I’d just stepped over the line from unpublished to published.
But it didn’t make the challenges go away. There are still contests you don’t final in, reviews to burn your eyeballs out, and other authors who think they can do it so much better than you (and sometimes, they’re right!).
But what has truly been discouraging to me in the last few months has been the ready and eager willingness of both published and unpublished authors to tear down other writers. I’m a softie (did you check out that Jelly article yet?). I can’t stand to see others hurt or when I perceive a motive less than genuine used to mask a negative review.
Don’t get me wrong—reasoned reviews are very welcomed. And I’m not saying don’t write a negative review, but weigh carefully your words. For once spoken, they cannot be taken back.

Ya know what I realized?
Contests are no different than the reviews you’ll see splattered on Amazon, CBD, B&N—they are by different people and the scores/ratings will vary. In other words, your story will resonate with some readers, but not all. Sure, we’d love to think everyone will love our stories, but that’s a fantasy (er, not the genre, but a state of mind).
Someone will absolutely love your story while another will wonder how on earth you got published. This reviewer will say you’re literary genius, the next will liken you to sewer sludge.
So…who’s wrong?
Actually, let’s say they’re both right. Just as your characters bring unique experiences and subsets of hurts/joys to the story, so do your readers. Each reader will approach your story with different views, hurts, joys, and that’s what makes them uniquely them. And that’s why there are so many different types of writers.
I’m learning in this ever-changing industry that expects its authors to be engaged with the readers via social media to not let this swaying of opinions define me as an author. Yes, if there is a consensus in all reviews or a majority, you need to pay attention and perhaps reconsider something in your writing.
As I’ve said a lot—write the best story you can. If you can walk away from a story saying you did your best, then let it rest and move on.
Maybe so.
Maybe not.
Does it matter? That’s not your story. Why bother to compare? Is it that our fragile egos need the stroking? Who, truly, do you think you’re going to impact by publicly tearing down an author and pointing out all it’s “faults.”
Instead of griping and tearing each other apart, instead of letting our heads get puffed up and our hearts hard, realize that something in that story moved it past an editorial committee, a publishing board, and the marketing board. Words, plots, and themes caressed under the careful guidance of the author, critique partners, the acquiring editor, the copy editor, and any number of other editors. Rejoice that a writer realized their dream!
Let’s face it—we all enjoy hearing praise. And sadly, many times we do not hear it enough. I teach my four children that there’s enough negativity in the world. When they tell me a Wal-Mart cashier was nice, I stop and tell them to go back and thank them. Every moment like that is an opportunity to be a counterbalance. Seek out the good and positive things around us! Anyone can be critical. That’s easy. It takes a stronger person to see the positive, a person who keeps themselves properly attuned and aware that we all started at our own beginning.
This is a plea to remove our focus from the “faults” of others. Be a source of encouragement and truth—administered with care and concern. Check out Operation Encourage an Author, a site dedicated to keeping things positive and encouraging authors. Or find your favorite author on Facebook or Twitter and let them know they rock.
“If you only know one thing, know this—whatever happens down there, I’m not coming back without you.”
With those words, former Green Beret Canyon Metcalfe convinces Danielle Roark that his black-ops group, Nightshade, will protect her in the same jungles where she endured six months of rape and captivity.
The mission goes bad almost as soon as they are choppered in and get ambushed. When a massive mudslide separate Canyon and Dani from the team, the two must fight their way to safety. When attraction becomes a distraction and Canyon’s mind is addled by painkillers, he can only blame himself for what happens next.
I hear you, Ronie :)
ReplyDeleteGood post, Ronie. We need to encourage and be positive to everyone we meet. And do things with a spirit of gratitude...amazing how it changes your outlook. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteBecky Yauger
Excellent post, Ronie. Very true-everything you said.
ReplyDelete"Rejoice that a writer realized their dream!"
ReplyDeleteI'm definitely in the same camp.Writing is hard work, and I choose to believe every writer puts forth their best effort. Why tear it apart? I try to choose my words carefully when reviewing books for this reason.
BTW, you can't write the Discarded Heroes series fast enough for me. I've been and will continue to rave about Wolfsbane. Definitely a 2011 top read.
Good words, Ronie. Nobody has to like a book, but someone always will. It's okay to speak your mind about it, but why comment with disrespect and a mean spirit?
ReplyDeleteThank you.
Hey Ronie, fellow Jelly here! I recently had almost the exact same kind of contest experience. Huge discrepancy between the high and low scores. Made no sense, and because this particular contest meant a lot to me, I shed a few tears over it. But a couple of days later, I received an email from a reader that really encouraged me. Because she GOT the book. God used it and it touched her. In the end, that's what it's all about. Thanks for sharing today :+}
ReplyDeleteI'll never forget one contest. The book is about a young lobbyist. You write what you know, and I was a lobbyist for Christian Coalition, albeit not a young one. :D
ReplyDeleteAnyway, the judge said the girl was much to naive to be a lobbyist. Excuse me? LOL I knew nothing when I first lobbied, and the example int he story was totally true (up to a point) from MY first day as a lobbyist.
It seems that judge wanted a stereotype character. Not from me!
Thanks, y'all. I am soooo glad the article resonated. My grump got brought out by all the snippy and snarky stuff lately. It's terrible. We all have a calling to write to a particular audience, so if you read a book and it doesn't resonate--MOVE ON. No need to tear anyone down. ugh.
ReplyDeletePatricia - You are so awesome. Thank you so much for the encouragement about Wolfsbane. I really wrestled with the Lord on that book (BTW: not something I would recommend LOL). :-D