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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Itching to Network!

The ACFW conference is only five weeks away! I'm already laying out my clothes to pack, printing my proposals to pitch and choosing candy for the chocolate party. I bought my plane ticket and a new spiral notebook for all the notes I'll take in my classes (After my first conference, I kept the notebook by my elbow to refer to as I wrote. Deb Raney taught the class I took, and I filled the pages with copious notes, then came home and edited my manuscript). I've talked to my agent about which editors to see, and I've polished my pitch until it gleams.

But most of all, I'm looking forward to networking, renewing old friendships and putting skin on the new cyber friends I've made this year.

Writing is a lonely profession, especially for a people-person like me. The community of writers is as essential as breathing to me. Who else can I talk to about my passion? My non-writer friends look at me like I'm an "E" shy of a full keyboard when I tell them my heroine took over my story and turned her back on the hero. I can't wait to share a Starbucks Venti Mocha Frappachino with another writer who nods and relates when I lament how my antagonist won't cooperate.

The ACFW Writers conference is the place to be—meeting agents and editors from the best CBA publishing houses. Contracts will be signed and awards given out. Who will you meet this year? Will it be that one special person who holds the key to your writing career?

Join me in Dallas and find out! You can register by clicking

See you there! I'll be laughing and towing Gina around, so look for me. :o)


  1. Itching to kick your butt for stealing my title! LOL. Just kidding. Good stuff, Ane. Your my favorite person to network with.

  2. OHHH, you'll have to blog extensively about it when you come back. Some of us will have to live vicariously!

  3. Can't wait to chat with you, Ane. We're gonna have a great time at the EB! ;-)

  4. Should I send all you itchy ladies some Calomine lotion? Ha ha!

    I am dying to bear-hug my pennie friends! God is so good. This time last year, I knew NO ONE AT ALL in the writing world. It was just me babbling to my friends and family about this strange all-consuming desire to write stuff. Nope, they didn't really get it! Now, I have so many wonderful writing friends on-line and can't wait to make more!

  5. LOL - your fault Not-Gina, for writing such a great title! :o)

    Georgiana, I cetainly will blog all about it. And Gina will, too, if Not-Gina will let her.

    D, can't wait till the EB, and you know why! *wink*

    Janet, I can't wait to put skin on the ruler-weilding St. Ane! :o)

  6. Janet, you sure you want to hug people who are scratching themselves raw? As a nurse, I advise against it. :) Every conference I've been to has been the best few days of my year. There is nothing like being surrounded by books, writers, and friends. Heavenly!

  7. I'm looking forward to seeing you guys there!

  8. Gina, I've been meaning to tell you that that new pic you've got by your comments is very sexy. Reminds me of your "Pimp My Soul" post.

  9. Oh, man, Gina. I just looked at your large picture beneath Ane's post today, and I see that you have shoulder straps. I saw your new picture on my blog and thought, Does she have anything on? Whew. Glad to know you do. GRIN. Yes, your new pic IS sexy, as somebody commented on Ane's post, especially in the small version. You sure you want that? GRIN (Coming from this motherly soul.) Anyhow, you are a beautiful young woman. I've seen you in person and in pictures. The love of the Lord just shines out of your eyes.


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