Conflict is not something I shy away from. If something is wrong, I say it. At times that makes others peeved at me. That's okay.
Without conflict, life is boring. Inner conflict of the spirit fighting the flesh to do the right thing. Outer conflict of standing up for what you know is right, no matter whom you may offend. No matter the cost.
Because of my personality, writing conflict into my storylines is not a problem. That may not be true for you. Some personality types, say phlegmatics for instance, hate conflict and will avoid it at any cost. While that may make them popular,it makes for terrible reading.
No conflict in a book equals no story. At least not a very interesting one. Whatever is happening in your story line--make it worse. Tie your protagonist to the train track and let the train get close. Give them little relief, when they solve one problem, create an even bigger one and then an even bigger one. Let there be misunderstandings and missed opportunities. Frustration. All the things most of us try to avoid in real life.
End each chapter with a bit of unresolved conflict to keep the reader turning. It doesn't have to be life threatening neccesarily,but it does have to be significant to the characters.
Conflict. Make your readers bite their nails, sit on the edge of their seats, stay up past their bedtimes to read just one more chapter to see how your characters got out of that one.
What's the worst thing that could possibly happen to your character in this chapter? Make it happen. The more uncomfortable it makes you, the better. The better for your story, the better for your readers, the better for your chance at catching an editor's eye.
No want wants to read about Edna and her happy family vacation. We want to see Edna's turmoil. The tornado that kills everyone but her and her struggle to get out of the Grand Canyon alive before the psycho murderer finds her.
Or think Bridges of Madison County. No life or death drama there but major conflict none the less.
Make the reader worry. Its what will keep them turning the pages...and buy your next book.
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
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Living On The Edge
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
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