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Friday, March 24, 2017

Getting a Handle on Twitter

by Patricia Bradley

I don’t know about you, but Twitter intimidated me when I first started out. Then I discovered this awesome program—Hootsuite. And it made my Twitter life easier. And then I discovered another program—Social Jukebox. And that really made my Twitter life easier. So, which is best? BOTH. Let me explain.

But first a little background on Hootsuite. It’s a platform to help you manage your Twitter account. You create streams, and since Edie Melson explains this so much better than I can, check out her blog on setting up an account,creating streams and setting up a schedule and much more. She has pictures and everything. 😊 I also use Hootsuite to shorten my links. You know, the ones that are three lines long?*Version*=1&*entries*=0&ie=UTF8

becomes .

And doesn’t the shorter one look much nicer?That alone made setting up aHootsuite account worth it. Another thing I like about Hootsuite is I can create a stream for different people. Up to ten.

Why would you want ten different streams? Well, if you receive tweets from 1,500 followers like I do, (and that’s not a big following) you will probably miss tweets from your friends. I have a stream for close friends, one for my agency siblings, one for a group of authors I write with, and so on. With a quick glance, I can check and see what my close friends are tweeting or see if there’s something I need to retweet for my agency siblings.

From Hootsuite, you can also schedule post to other social networks, like Facebook, Google+, Linkedin, Wordpress, Instagram, and Youtube. Hootsuite has really helped me with Twitter. At this point I only use the free version.

So where does Social Jukebox come in?

Social Jukebox is relatively new to the Twitter scene. It has Jukeboxes and Targeted Posts. I like the Jukeboxes because I can load, say a hundred tweets, in a “Jukebox”, figure out how often I want them to tweet, turn it on and forget it. The tweets will go out in a loop and when the Jukebox runs out of tweets, it starts all over. You can schedule the hours and days you want the tweets to go out.

I only have one Jukebox with more than 5 tweets in it. It’s a free Jukebox with 200 quotes that go out twice a day. I like setting up a Jukebox for my books, especially when one is free. But I also promote a lot of blogs, and that’s where the Targeted Posts come in.
In Social Jukebox I click on Targeted Posts. A box pops up that I can put the tweet in, add a photo or book cover, and then schedule the tweet to go out every 6 hours (there are many options), and then specify a starting date and an ending date. Before Targeted Posts in Social Jukebox, I might promote a blog once when I went to it. Social Jukebox makes it easy to tweet about my friends’ blogs every day.

I do pay for Social Jukebox—around twelve dollars a month, but there is a free option. You get five posts to Twitter and one post to Facebook and LinkedIn.

As with anything, there is a learning curve to both Hootsuite and Social Jukebox, but I’ve believe both are worth the time.


Patricia Bradley lives in North Mississippi with her rescue kitty Suzy and loves to write suspense with a twist of romance. Her books include the Logan Point series and two Harlequin Heartwarming romances. Justice Delayed, a Memphis Cold Case Novel, is the first book in her next series and it releases January 31, 2017. When she has time, she likes to throw mud on a wheel and see what happens.


  1. Great post! I love this. Will be giving it a try.

  2. Thanks, Sally. And thanks for stopping by!

  3. I love SocialJukebox, although I haven't checked out Hootsuite in a while - I use Buffer instead. But I like the sound of Hootsuite's stream feature. May have to check that one out ...


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