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Five Inspirational Truths for Authors

Monday, September 07, 2015

An Interview with Kimberly Rose Johnson

Kimberly Rose Johnson
KIMBERLY ROSE JOHNSON writes sweet inspirational romance. She married her college sweetheart 25 years ago. Her hobbies include reading, watching chick flicks, playing the piano, long walks with her hubby and their yellow lab, drinking coffee and eating dark chocolate. 

Kimberly holds a degree in Behavioral Science and is a member of ACFW. 

What sparked the story for this novel? 

Back in 2011 I took the Amtrak to Leavenworth, Washington and while I was there I visited a bed and breakfast. The B&B sparked something in me and a story began to grow in my head. A few months later, I stopped working on my series that takes place in Leavenworth, WA and wrote Island Refuge. 

Island Dreams is the second book in my Wildflower B&B Romance Series. This book continues the story of Zoe and Nick who we met in Island Refuge as well as introduces the new heroine Piper Hunt. When I started the series I had no idea there would be a story about a woman who wanted to develop a resort on the island. 

I knew I needed to pitch a series, so I brainstormed with my husband and we came up with the main story idea for Island Dreams and the third book Island Christmas. My husband is the best at brainstorming. 

Share a bit of your journey to publication. Was it short or long? 

I’d say a little long for my taste, but in reality it was only six years from the time I started writing to when I signed my first contract with Harlequin’s Love Inspired Heartsong Presents line. 

What would you do if you didn't write? 

I would be teaching piano lessons. I taught piano lessons for eighteen years and stopped the school year after my first book released. Who knows, maybe I’ll take it up again some day. I taught my eighteen-year-old son to play this past summer before he headed off to college a few weeks ago. He’s majoring in music and is required to know how to play the piano. It’s been a challenge at times to be both mom and teacher, but I love it! 

What makes you struggle as an author? How do you handle it? 

I’m not sure. There are a lot of challenges for me as an author. For example, my last contract had very tight deadlines. I wrote half of the third book in this series in just two weeks time due to a scheduling issue with my editor. It was the biggest challenge I have ever faced as a writer. What got me through though was lots of people praying for me and grit. I refuse to fail at something I put my mind to. I set a daily word count goal that I had to write in order to finish the book on time and still give me time to edit and proofread. 

Where do you write: In a cave, a coffeehouse, or a cozy nook? 

LOL I write in my home. I sit either at my desk or in a recliner with my laptop. I like complete silence when I write, so writing in a public place doesn’t work well for me.  

Do you prefer the creating or editing aspect of writing? Why? 

Definitely the creating aspect is more fun for me. I love seeing the story play out in my mind for the very first time. Editing is where the real work comes in and that’s not fun to me. 

Do you consider yourself a visual writer? 

If so, what visuals do you use? I don’t really know what that means. I do see the story play out in my head if that’s what you mean, but I don’t use visual aids like pictures of celebrities. 

What are your top 3 recommendations for a new writer? 

Go to writer’s conferences, learn the craft and make friends, have patience, and keep your priorities straight. 

Then what 3 things would recommend not doing? 

Don’t spend years and years on the same manuscript. I know there are people who would disagree with this, but I don’t think working on the same manuscript every day for ten years is a good use of time. Yes, for a few, those manuscripts have been published, but generally speaking it’s not a good use of time. Don’t quite your day job. For most of us writing doesn’t pay well. I mentioned that I don’t teach piano anymore, but when the Heartsong line ended, I needed income, so I have a new “day job” now. Don’t let the constructive criticism of other writers throw you off path. Learn from what they say, or if it’s way off base toss it and move on. Writing is a tough business and being highly sensitive only hurts you. 

What's next for you? 

Island Christmas, the third book in Wildflower B&B Romance releases in October. I’m thrilled to have a Christmas book as part of this series. Insert your book's back cover copy here: Piper Hunt arrives on Wildflower Island to develop family property into an upscale resort knowing this may be her last chance to prove her worth to her father. With grandiose ideas, she soon finds herself at odds with adjoining property owner, Chase Grayson. As she begins to appreciate the simplicity of the island, she struggles to maintain balance between her father’s wishes, preserving the natural beauty of the island, and her attraction for Chase. 

Chase Grayson values the peace and quiet of Wildflower Island. That serenity is threatened when Piper Hunt discloses her plans to develop an upscale resort that not only butts up to his property, but will turn the island into a busy tourist destination. In fighting her plans, he also finds himself fighting his attraction to her. If he doesn’t stop her plans for the resort, his life will be altered forever. If he succeeds, it means he will never see her again. Can he live with either choice?

* * * * * * * * * * 

Ronie Kendig is an award-winning, bestselling author who grew up an Army brat. After twenty-plus years of marriage, she and her hunky hero husband have a full life with their children, a Maltese Menace, and a retired military working dog in beautiful Northern Virginia. 

She can be found at, on Facebook (, Twitter (@roniekendig), Goodreads (, Instagram (@kendigronie), and Pinterest (!

Ronie's upcoming release, Falcon, received 4.5 stars from RT Book Reviews: Kendig blows away fans...Falcon is a must-read!  

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  1. Thanks for having me on Novel Rocket. :)

  2. This is an excellent series! I've enjoyed both books and can highly recommend them.

  3. I really enjoy reading your Wildflower B&B Romance series Kimberly Rose Johnson.
    Blessings, Tina


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