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Saturday, February 28, 2015

Saturday, My Day? by DiAnn Mills

Saturday, My Day
By DiAnn Mills

Saturday is my favorite day of the week. I can sleep in, although my internal clock still wakes me, but I can free my mind from the world of writing. Well, sorta. I don’t think we can ever push communicating through the written word from our minds, but we owe it to ourselves to give ourselves a break.

On Saturday mornings, husband and I can have a leisurely breakfast and have a real conversation. Sometimes we have the grandkids, and that means playtime, and other Saturdays we might spend the day away from home.

Carpe Diem
Actually, the freedom to plan fun activities one day a week helps me to be a better writer. Here’s my theory on using Saturday as your day to kick back and give yourself the luxury to rest and laugh.

S = Satisfaction. By Friday evening, my brain feels bruised, and my body protests from the mental exhaustion. I find tremendous satisfaction in allowing myself the opportunity to repair what I damaged in my brain during the week.

A = Attitude. We hear a lot about this word. Good attitudes. Bad attitudes. Cynicism jumps in there too. But the important part of using Saturday as a rest-from-writing day is it adds points on the good attitude side. The kind of positive mindset that lasts all week long.

T = Tackle. What have we been meaning to do but put off because of word count or editing? Another type of craft or a hobby? Maybe a community project or working in the yard?

U = Unique. I find when Saturdays have varying events, I look forward to them even more. Planning a day of rest can be exhilarating—from spending time with friends to running a 5K.

R = Relax. For the sport enthusiast, watch a special team on TV. Better yet, pick up tickets and treat yourself. If sports is not a good time, consider a movie marathon or attend a cinema. And we can always nap.

D = Date. Yes, a date! I like to hook arms with my hubby and plan some fun. Be sure to have a meal out! Besides, I can listen to the conversations around me and deepen my dialogue skills.

A = Abandon. Toss aside the idea that we can slip in a few hours of writing or editing. Unless a deadline looms over me, I don’t. I’ve found that working every day, even on Sunday afternoon, decreases my ability to write clearly.

Y = You. When we take care of the feeding and nurturing of ourselves, we find Sundays worship fills us with joy because we’re rested. We’ll also discover writing Monday through Friday is not a burden, and our creativity will soar.

When we use Saturday to refuel, refresh, and relax, watch what happens on Monday.

DiAnn Mills is a bestselling author who believes her readers should expect an adventure. She combines unforgettable characters with unpredictable plots to create action-packed, suspense-filled novels.

Her titles have appeared on the CBA and ECPA bestseller lists; won two Christy Awards; and been finalists for the RITA, Daphne Du Maurier, Inspirational Readers’ Choice, and Carol award contests.

DiAnn is a founding board member of the American Christian Fiction Writers; the 2015 president of the Romance Writers of America’s Faith, Hope, & Love chapter; a member of Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, and International Thriller Writers. She speaks to various groups and teaches writing workshops around the country. She and her husband live in sunny Houston, Texas.

DiAnn is very active online and would love to connect with readers on any of the social media platforms listed at

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  • Saturday, My Day? by DiAnn MillsSaturday, My Day By DiAnn Mills Saturday is my favorite day of the week. I can sleep in, although my internal clock still wakes me, but I can free my mind from the world of writing. Well, sorta. I don’t think we can ever pus… Read More


  1. Hi Diann,

    I love to write on the Saturdays that I don't work at the store. But I stop if UK is playing basketball, and I find time for hubby.

    Tonight we're driving to Louisville and going to a Harry Connick, Jr. concert. We'll listen to UK vs Arkansas on the radio as we travel. So it'll be a great day!

    Thanks for the encouragement to find time to relax and not feel guilty for it.

  2. Great idea! In fact, I'm going to go to the mall!! I'll probably people watch, but I'm on the prowl for a deal of a bathrobe. :)

  3. I'm going with you! Actually, I'm ready to do some spruce-up with my house. :) Enjoy

  4. DiAnn,

    You are right, Saturday (Sabbath to me) is a rest day from work. It's a time for family, friends, walks, nature, and, for me, church in the morning followed by a fellowship lunch or a quiet meal with my husband. I really do look forward to Saturday. You have the right idea.


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