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Thursday, November 06, 2014

My Indie Book is Out - Now What?

Dan Walsh is the award-winning and bestselling author of 12 novels, including The Unfinished Gift, The Discovery and When Night Comes. He has won 3 Carol Awards and 2 Selah Awards. Three of his novels were finalists for Inspirational Book of the Year. Dan is a member of ACFW and Word Weavers. He lives with his wife, Cindi, in the Daytona Beach area where they love to take long walks with their dogs. Click Here to connect with Dan or check out his books. 

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About this time last month, I announced that after publishing 11 novels the old-fashioned way (through a traditional publisher), I was "going indie" (pretty much publishing my next novel myself). And it wasn't just that I was going indie, the novel itself is in a different genre than all my other books. When Night Comes is a suspense novel. 

Here's a link to that post, if you missed it:

It's fair to say all my novels are suspenseful, at least in certain spots (that's not just my opinion, most reviewers have said so), but they're not mainly suspense novels. They're really love stories and family life dramas (like the books written by Nicholas Sparks). 

Well, last weekend When Night Comes released! It's out! It's for sale! You can buy it (please buy it). 

I was a little nervous as I awaited the first few reviews to come in. A month ago, I had invited a number of readers and bloggers who had reviewed my other books to read a preview copy of this one. What would they say? Would they hate it? Would they think it's too different? I love reading suspense novels and want to be able to write both kinds of books. Would they tell me, "Forget that, you better stick to the Sparks-type books."

Well, so far, that's not what they're saying. So far, my fears are unfounded. 17 reviews have come in the past 5 days. 13 of them are 5-Star (the others are 4-Stars). Here's a sample of what they're saying about When Night Comes:

While this book does deviate from Dan Walsh’s typical style, it’s still an amazing read…It was a page turner and I could have easily finished it in a day if I didn’t have other things to tend to like….kids.” – Living, Laughing, Loving Blog – Melinda Joy
Dan Walsh’s unique plot twists keep the surprises coming at breath-taking speed. When Night Comes had me in suspense with every turn of the page.  There’s much I’d like to add to this review, but I don’t want to post any spoilers. When Night Comes is a must-read for suspense lovers.” — Author, Ann Shorey
In a change from his romance novels, award-winning author Dan Walsh turns his strong character-driven narrative writing to a page-turning nail-biting suspense thriller combined with accurate historical fiction. As well written as any novelist currently writing…Walsh shows himself to be a master storyteller regardless of genre.” – Writing Truth Blog -Jorja Davis
I gotta tell didn't hurt reading things like this. If you'd like to check out the book yourself, maybe even buy it (only $4.99 for the ebook version), here are the links:

Kindle – Click Here
Nook – Click Here
Kobo – Click Here

If you just want to read a free sample, click on the Kindle/Amazon link. They'll let you read the first 5 chapters online. Also, if you prefer a print version, you can get that on Amazon. Just click the same link and click the "paperback" button.

Here's the big question...Now What? I've never gotten this far before. I'd love to hear any suggestions from those of who've blazed this trail already. I've heard about advertising on BookBub and ENT. Anyone have any other ideas or strategies that have worked? Anything I should definitely avoid?


  1. I know we talk in the indie group, Dan, but as far as what I would avoid, I have NOT seen a good ROI on my Goodreads or Facebook ads. Goodreads giveaways are probably more effective, if only to drum up interest (To-Reads) in your book. And I have only EVER heard good things about Bookbub. I'm pretty sure it's worth saving up for and it's something I plan to try. Another strategy is making your first in series permafree, as Traci Hilton discussed in an earlier Novel Rocket post. All the best and so glad your suspense is taking a rocket (okay, Novel Rocket pun intended).

    1. Thanks Heather. I'm definitely going to look into BookBub. Hadn't thought about Goodreads giveaways (though I know we did those with my publisher). I think the permafree is a good idea, but have to have the series put together first (at book 1 right now).

  2. My first is still a couple months out, Dan (with my editor now), but I've immersed myself into learning all I can. The #1 marketing tool is to write the next book. Put links in each book to the next book. It's a snowball thing. And I'll parrot Heather. Don't waste time on facebook, twitter, or Goodreads trying to sell. The books will sell themselves as you add to them. I learned a good acronym this week from a book I'm reading (Discoverability by Krsitine Rusch) . I think it was WIBBOW. Would I be better off writing? 95% of the time, the answer is yes. I prefer my simplified version: when in doubt, just write.

    1. I agree with that, Ron. Think I read something from James Scott Bell on this. The best form of marketing is writing a killer book.

  3. No tips from this self-publisher, Dan. Have to have someone else do it for me. ;) But I bought yours - good for you branching out in genres. Love that you did. Good for you.


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