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Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Industry News

Megan DiMaria is Novel Rocket’s industry news columnist. An author and speaker, she enjoys cheering on writers and loves to encourage others as they journey through life’s demands and delights. Megan is the author of two women’s fiction novels, Searching for Spice and Out of Her Hands

Welcome to the November edition of Novel Rocket's Industry news. The year may be drawing to a close, but the industry's still hopping. 

Let's get to all the Amazon-related news first.

  • Top literary agent Andrew Wylie praises Hachette's decision to battle Amazon and urges publishers “not to blink” during negotiations over royalties with the digital retailer. For more info . . . 
  • Canadian authors are now impacted by the Amazon/Hachette dispute. For more info . . .  
  • New York Times’ op-ed columnist Paul Krugman claims Amazon has “too much  power.”  For more info . . . 
  • There’s a lot of banter about Amazon being a monopoly, but according to the Seattle Times, that can’t be proven. For more info . . . 
  • Amazon to open retail “pop-up” stores in time for the holiday season. For more info . . . 
  • Simon & Schuster and Amazon reach agreement on e-book pricing. For more info . . . 
  • Curious about thoughts from a panel called “Will Amazon Lead Us to the Golden Age of Books?For more info . . . 
  • Last month there was a lot of news about authors protesting Amazon. This month, author AS Byatt comes to their defense. For more info . . . 
  • Kindle Scout, Amazon’s crowdsourced publishing program went live last month. For info about how it works . . . 

And now for the rest of the news . . .

Have a great month! Do the work. Be productive.


  1. Thanks again, Megan, for your sterling research. Great job.

  2. I love this column, Megan. You always find great stories. Thanks again!

  3. Megan, I'm dizzy just reading through all this--can't imagine how much work it took to gather it. Thanks so much.


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