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Monday, November 17, 2014

Have a New Release Coming Out Next Year? It's Never Too Early to Think Marketing!

I know many who stop by Novel Rocket daily have new books coming out in 2015 and beyond, either by traditional publishing or indie. Either way, it’s never too early lay the groundwork for a successful marketing program for your book. Here are a few suggestions to get started.

1. Book a blog tour.
Many people love to host authors and their books on their blogs, and many bloggers are already booking for at least the first half of 2015. Let the bloggers out there know you have a new book coming out in the coming year and you would love to have a slot on their blog calendar. When you book a visit, if at all possible, offer to do a giveaway of your book. The possibility of winning a free book always brings more visitors to the blog, and if they don’t win, chances are they will look for your story to purchase it. It doesn’t hurt to suggest to the winner to post a review on the various online shopping sites if they enjoyed the story.

2.  Book personal appearances and signings.
If you are having a launch celebration, the party venue is the first place to book. But, there are other places such as the local library, local bookstores, unique locales that tie in to your story setting. Try to think out of the box and come up with some places that might be willing to host an event for you. For example, if your main character is a chef, perhaps a local restaurant, cooking school, or a store that sells cooking utensils.

3. Contact local news media.
Always contact the local paper where you story is set. People love to read books set in places they know. If your setting is a actual small town, contact the editor of the paper to arrange for an interview. I did this for my Love Finds You in Lake Geneva, WI and was blessed with a half page article above the fold! And don't overlook the local paper where you live. I often see articles about a local author having a book out.

Also, if your home area or the story setting has a local radio station, contact them to arrange for an interview. But don’t stop with local media. Internet radio is fast becoming as popular as broadcast radio. Check into what programs are looking for authors to interview on the air.

4.  Order promotional items.
Now is the time to order bookmarks, postcards, and other items such as pens, sticky notes, or whatever clever items that could tie into your storyline. You might look for something related to your character’s profession, or something that promotes the setting.

What other things can you think of that aren’t on my list?

A native of Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, author Pamela S. Meyers lives in suburban Chicago with her two rescue cats, an hour's drive away from her Wisconsin hometown which she visits often to dig into its historical legacy. Her novels include Thyme for Love, and Love Will Find a Way, contemporary romantic mysteries and her 1933 historical romance, Love Finds You in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. When she isn’t at her laptop writing her latest novel, she can often be found nosing in microfilms and historical records about Wisconsin and other Midwestern spots for new story ideas.

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  1. Hi, Pamela, Loved your practical-advice blog! I am a newly published author of "Kiss Your Mommy Goodbye" published by CrossBooks. I am promoting my book with book signings and a speaking/signing in the town of the setting. I particularly liked your idea to "Book a Blog Tour." How do I go about finding bloggers out there? I would love to have you stop by my website at Thanks, so much, for your great suggestions.

    1. Rita, I recently set up my own blog tour for my book launch. I was on 85 blogs in 30 days. I asked all my friends to host me. I've hosted them for years. :o) Finally it was my turn. Look to the sites you like to visit and ask. That's really all there is to it. But then, be sure you keep a list of where you're going to be what day. Be sure you turn in your interviews or articles a couple of weeks in advance, at least. I had most of mine in a good month proir to the blog tour.


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