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Sunday, August 03, 2014

Looking for Love

Personal: Writer’s Blog seeks M or F writers of Contemporary Romance.  Interested parties, please reply to Novel Rocket's Launch Pad Contest.

That's right, unpublished novelists. If you’ve written a modern romance that you’re just swooning to share with the world, we’d love to see it. Check out the official rules. Primp and polish the first chapter, create your synopsis, and download the entry form. Then seal it with a kiss and email it all to The deadline for Contemporary Romance is August 10, so there’s still a little time for love.

What? You’d rather write about dragons and princesses? Never fear, my shining knight, we have a slot in our contest for you too. We're taking submissions in the Speculative Fiction category until September 10.

If you have a question you’d like to pop, email us at the address listed above, and you’ll receive a personal reply.

We hope to hear from you soon, because we’d adore the opportunity to read your story.


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