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Monday, August 18, 2014

Get The Scoop on One of the Newest Romance Imprints! - Interview with Managing Editor, Sandie Bricker

By Pamela S. Meyers

The latest news hit the wires a few days ago that the popular publishing house Lighthouse of the Carolinas is starting a new romance imprint called Bing (I love the name!). I'm pleased to have Sandie Bricker, Bling's managing editor here to give us the lowdown.

Can you give us some details about this new line of romantic fiction and what you’re looking for?
Bling! is an edgy new series of contemporary romance for Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas (LPC). Although there may be an element of faith in our books, it’s not required; however, if it’s there, it must be woven organically into the story. My favorite books are those that act as parables, telling a story beneath a story.

Basic things I’m looking for include a solid, believable romance; characters with an authentic and powerful connection rather than simple animal attraction; realistic characters who may be flawed, characters with a past (like the rest of us) whose struggles are complex and may not be too pretty; an interesting plot that creates a landscape for the characters to tell their story.

Sandie, you’re a writer yourself. Can you tell us what made you decide to accept a position as an editor?
It’s fairly multi-faceted, actually. First, I’ve been an editor for years, both in publishing and within Corporate America. It’s a good fit for a word nerd. (laughs)

Second, the scope of publishing has been changing so quickly, and I’ve had an ongoing conversation for a while now with the people I trust most in the industry – including my agent, Rachelle Gardner – where we’ve been watching those changes. If we can’t stay ahead of them, we can at least keep taking steps forward ourselves. Once I talked with Eddie Jones, the founder of LPC, I realized this is a good next step for me. His business model is solid, and I sense that his intentions and business path sync up with the future direction of publishing. I’m thankful he wanted me to be part of it.

Finally, I worked toward breaking into the inspirational market for a long time as a writer, praying the whole way for a publisher who would “get me” and allow me to be myself as a writer; rather than the expectation of adhering to specific formulaic guidelines. My writing appeals to a specific brand of reader, which takes a certain kind of publisher. Carlton Garborg and Jason Rovenstine removed the deadbolt from the gate by inviting me to stand next to Andrea Boeshaar to launch the Love Finds You line for Summerside Press. And then came Abingdon Press where I found the perfect home for someone like me. My hope is – through Bling! – I can pay it forward for other writers looking for their own niche.

Does a beginning writer have a chance at publishing with Bling!?
Absolutely. I’m hoping to have a good mix of novice and seasoned authors so that we can create something that appeals to a full spectrum of contemporary readers. LPC is predominantly an ebook publisher, but there is also a print option for readers as well.

If a writer feels like they might be a good fit for Bling!, what should they do?
They can go to to review the complete guidelines, and they can LIKE our page on Facebook at If they have questions or need more information, they can email me at We’re still in the process of getting set up, but since I’ll need to fill two slots by spring, I’m eager to receive submissions.

A writer can only submit through an agent?
Yes and no. We generally limit submissions to those that come from agents; however, the caveat to that is, if a writer already has a relationship with me – either through conferences or writers’ groups and the like – we’ll talk. I’m excited to see what’s out there and how I can help put great stories in front of the wonderful readers out there.

Thanks, Sandie, for this valuable information!

A native of Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, author Pamela S. Meyers lives in suburban Chicago with her two rescue cats, an hour's drive away from her hometown which she visits often to dig into its historical legacy. Her novels include Thyme for Love, and Love Will Find a Way, contemporary romantic mysteries and her 1933 historical romance, Love Finds You in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. She can often be found speaking at events around Lake Geneva or nosing in microfilms and historical records about Wisconsin and other Midwestern spots for new story ideas.

1 comment:

  1. Great news! It's so nice to hear of a Christian publishing house that will allow for characters who haven't been perfect. So glad you're doing this. Thanks for bringing us the story Pamela!


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