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Monday, June 30, 2014

YA, YA, YA (and MG too)

Hey, y'all - the deadline for submission to the Middle Grade/Young Adult category of Novel Rocket's LAUNCH PAD Contest: Boosting You Out of the Slush Pile is coming up right quick-like. July 10, to be exact.

So if you have a story for young readers ready and rarin' to go, send it our way. Who knows? It just might be a winner. After all, the Grand Prize winners the first two years of our contest were from this category. Maybe your story will be next!

Are you interested in the contest, but that's not your genre? How about contemporary romance? Better yet (from my point of view, at least), how about speculative fiction? We're still taking submissions in those categories as well.

So check out the official rules to see if this is for you. If so, show us what you've got. We're itching to see it!
*         *          *
If you like Young Adult and speculative fiction, check out Yvonne Anderson's Gateway to Gannah series. It'll take you out of this world!


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