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Monday, June 16, 2014

Author Yvonne Anderson Takes Us Back to Gannah With Her New Release

A native of Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, author Pamela S. Meyers lives in suburban Chicago, an hour's drive away from her hometown which she visits often to dig into its historical legacy. Her novels include Thyme for Love, and Love Will Find a Way,  contemporary romantic mysteries and her 1933 historical romance, Love Finds You in Lake Geneva,Wisconsin, released in April, 2013. She can often be found speaking at events around Lake Geneva or nosing in microfilms and historical records about Wisconsin and other Midwestern spots for new story ideas.

This month I have the pleasure of interviewing Yvonne Anderson, my crit partner and a contributor to Novel Rocket. She also brings us an opportunity to win a free copy of one of her books! Yvonne, who is often called "Y," has just released a new novel and she is here to tell us about it
Ransom in the Rock

PAM:  Your latest book, Ransom in the Rock, is the third in a series. If I recall correctly, you published the first two traditionally with a small press. Why are you self-publishing this one?

Y: I signed a three-book contract with Risen Books in 2011. With the first two titles not selling very well, Risen wasn’t willing to move forward with the third. I asked to be released from my contract so I could publish them at my own risk.

PAM: How has your self-publishing experience gone so far?

Y: It’s been interesting. Considering it’s my first attempt, I’m pleased with the result. Selling them is a challenge, but at least I’m confident about the quality of the product.

PAM:  Having read the first two titles, I can testify that these are not your typical sci-fi. Let's just say that speculative fiction is not my go-to genre for my reading pleasure, but I found your stories to be entertaining, engaging, and exciting. I'm certain I'll find more of the same in your new book. What can you tell our readers about the Gateway to Gannah series? For those that haven't read the first book, Story in the Stars, should they read that and Book 2 first?

Y: The four titles put together a story told in consecutive installments. However, they also can stand alone. If you jump in at the third book, you won’t be lost.

Brief overview: the planet Gannah suffered a horrible plague in the The Story in the Stars. The medical starship rushing to them with the antidote arrived too late to save anyone but one young woman, Dassa. The man who rescued her, Dr. Pik, was from the planet Karkar, an ancient enemy of Gannah. Despite their deeply rooted animosities, he and Dassa ended up getting together. It’s not a love story, though. It’s mostly an adventure involving such things as space pirates and long-lost treasure.

In Words in the Wind, Dassa and Dr. Pik are back on Gannah with a group of settlers from Earth who have come to repopulate the planet. One of the incidents in the story involves their young daughter, Lileela, who sustains spinal cord injuries in an accident and is sent to Karkar for treatment.

In Ransom in the Rock, Lileela returns to Gannah as a teenager, frothing with bitterness over what she perceives as abandonment by her parents. Why do they want her back now? And why does Karkar demand such a huge payment for delivering her? Neither she nor her family suspects that Karkar’s true motive is revenge. The tiny New Gannahan settlement has no hope of repelling an invasion – no hope, that is, except for One the Karkar can’t see.

Though definitely sci-fi, all three books are light on the science but strong on the characters.

PAM: Wow, that sound exciting. What’s next?

Y: I plan to publish the fourth (and last) book in the series this fall. I already have the cover, and editors are looking over the manuscript even as we speak.

PAM: Speaking of your covers. Did you create them yourself, or hire a designer?

Y: Covers are too important to entrust to an amateur like me. I did some research on designers and chose Ken Raney of Clash Creative, Inc. His prices are mid-range, which means I could have gotten off cheaper. But he knows what he’s doing, is very patient with picky authors, and he’s not satisfied until his client is satisfied. I would recommend him without hesitation.

PAM: I'm familiar with Ken and have seen his work other places. A great choice. Most Novel Rocket readers aren’t sci-fi fans, what does your series have to offer people who usually aren’t interested in that sort of thing? What might they get out of these books?

Y: A change of scenery is always refreshing, and the scenery on Gannah is beautiful. A visit there is a great get-away from the humdrum. The characters are vivid, so you’ll get to make some new friends. Moreover, the scriptural thread offers a little food for thought along with the fun. That’s why the series tag line is “Fly through the Gateway to Gannah for some serious sci-fi adventure.”

PAM: And I might add that your characters are indeed strong in characterization, drawing readers in and endearing themselves to them. I'm looking forward to reading Book 3. Where can I get it?

Y: Ransom in the Rock is available on Amazon in print or e-book. The first two titles are available at either Amazon or Barnes & Noble. 

But you’re in luck: beginning today, and through next weekend, I’m doing a give-away on my blogwhere you can enter to win a FREE copy of any one of the three Gannah titles—winner’s choice. Hop over and check it out.

PAM: Awesome! I'm heading over there right now to enter. Thanks Y. 

Yvonne Anderson
A resident of Western Maryland, Yvonne Anderson writes fiction that takes you out of this world.  She also does freelance editing; contributes to the writing blog The Borrowed Book; oversees Novel Rocket’s Launch Pad Contest; and is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, International Thriller Writers, and the Independent Author Network. Connect with her on Twitter, Facebook, or Goodreads.

Fly through the Gateway to Gannah for some serious sci-fi adventure: The first three titles, The Story in the Stars and Words in the Wind and Ransom in the Rock, are all available in both print and ebook. Watch for the launching of The Last Toqeph, the fourth and final flight in the series, in the autumn of 2014.


  1. Love the Gannah books, Yvonne! While they may not be typical sci-fi, they are fascinating, well-written sci-fi. Nice interview, Pam!

  2. Looking forward to reading this, Yvonne!

  3. I've never liked sci-fi, but because I knew Yvonne, I read it. Well guess what? I LOVED it. It was the first sci-fi I could follow and understand. Yes, she built new world and had new words for things, but the way she used them lent understandability. I've read all 3 and loved each one!


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