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Saturday, May 17, 2014

Fantasy Meets Romance

Michelle Griep here to introduce you to a new author buddy of mine, Angie Brashear. Grab a cup o' joe and put your feet up for a few minutes for a fun interview . . .

I see you're a speculative fiction fan, so it makes sense your debut novel would be a young adult fantasy. . . which can be a tough sell. So, why fantasy? What's the attraction?

I am a huge fan of speculative fiction. I write fantasy with a strong thread of romance. My debut novel, previously retitled from Never Let Go to Of the Persecuted, has undergone some unexpected but exciting changes – a new title and cover, as well as a new release date of May 27th. Ultimately, my goal is to reach young adult females much like the lost, lonely girl I once was. As a nonbeliever for the majority of my life, I enjoyed reading speculative fiction and it was the The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis which ultimately opened my eyes to Christ. My prayer is that my stories will do the same for others. I also hope believers will enjoy the Christian undertones of my work. So, while fantasy is…well, fantastical, the genre makes the most sense to me.

Your book comes out May 27th. What are some marketing techniques you're employing to get the word out?

My schedule surrounding the release is hectic, but also fun. In the midst of working full-time outside of my home and raising three great kiddos, I’ve had the opportunity to spend time working with a new cover designer, editor, and formatter to finalize many necessary details to prepare for the release. As to marketing, I’m a new author and have much to learn. Due to the graciousness of fellow authors, I have nearly fifty blog appearances scheduled, which has been my main marketing focus at this point. I’ve also focused efforts on building a platform for my blog, as well as my Facebook page.

Are you a pantser or a plotter? How did you pull together OF THE PERSECUTED?

Panster, definitely. And sometimes I wonder if that is good or bad for my writing endeavors. As I write, I know exactly where I want to start and finish, but I fly by the seat of my pants when writing all of the details in between. In some ways, it’s a fun approach because my own characters surprise me with their decisions. LOL!

What's surprised you most about this writing journey?

While I shouldn’t be at surprised at all, the fact that God is truly in control never ceases to amaze me. The publishing world has a lot of ups and downs. But God’s will is always done. For that, I am forever grateful.

What authors have influenced you and how?

C.S. Lewis. He opened the door to my personal speculation, which eventually led to my salvation.

I’ve also had the opportunity to get to know several authors through ACFW. While I cannot name all of them in one interview, Nadine Brandes, an author with Marcher Lord Press, has been invaluable to my entire writing journey. Whether critiquing my manuscript, sharing marketing strategies, or praying for my endeavors, she’s been a rock since the first day I joined ACFW. I encourage fans of speculative fiction to look for her debut novel, A Time to Die, in fall 2014.

Tell us about your process of writing. What does a "normal" writing day look like in your life? Okay, so who's got normal days? Just tell us about what your most recent writing day looked like.

I write…well, slow. I tend to over analyze every sentence and scene rather than just accepting the flaws of a first draft. While this makes the completion of the first draft a bit tedious, it makes the rewrites a little less stressful (or so I’ve convinced myself). And I long for a normal writing day. As a mother of three active kids and a job outside of my home, I stay quite busy. I basically write whenever I can, often stopping in the middle of tasks to jot notes and ideas in my journal, but the majority of my writing is completed during late night hours while my family sleeps.

What's one word of writerly advice you'd give a newbie writer?

Pray. If Christian writers are to glorify the Lord with our endeavors, we must pray that His will is done with our efforts.


Laila Pennedy awaits death by hanging. For the Rendow Clan rules the Woodlands Region, aiming to slaughter the Faithful. And she deserves to die. But Lars Landre, the man destined to lead the Faithful out of persecution, has other plans hidden behind his rare and mysterious blue eyes. Rescue.

Following the daring escape, Laila seeks the path of a warrior and vows revenge against the Rendow Clan. She embarks on a dangerous journey with Lars, one in which they endeavor to reach the promised safety of a magical village, to train for battle, and to ultimately assure freedom for those with faith in the Maker.

Clashes of weapons and souls. Brutal loss of lives. Unrequited love. How in all the Woodlands will Laila survive?


When Angie Brashear isn’t working or taking care of her family, she writes. Usually at night after her kids fall asleep. She’s a fan of speculative fiction and an avid runner, both of which perplex her nonfiction-reading, football-loving husband. Saved in her early twenties, Angie is grateful for the Lord’s presence in all aspects of her life. She is originally from Rockland, Maine and currently resides in Cameron, Texas with her husband and three children. 

Follow her at her website, Facebook, or Twitter  


  1. Thanks for hosting me today, Michelle.

  2. Looks like a great book, Angie! Looking forward to reading it. I sympathize with trying to find time to write while raising a family ... you basically take every moment you can! Sounds quite familiar :)

  3. Congrats Angie--great interview and looks like an interesting book!


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