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Friday, March 07, 2014

Tips to Rekindle the Romance of Writing

by Edie Melson

Fall back in love with writing.
Between deadlines, edits and rejections it’s easy to fall out of love with our writing. It can get so bad that we begin to dread sitting down at the keyboard.

When that happens to me my mind begins to reprioritize my life. I can suddenly find a million things more important than putting my rear end in the chair and pounding out words. When I begin arguing with myself, stating that clean baseboards are more important than word count goals, I know I’m in trouble.

Tips to Rekindle the Romance of Writing
1. Realize that love is a choice—not an emotion. I know that sounds more like marriage counseling than advice for writers, but truth is truth. I’ve made a commitment to what it means to be a writer, and the means not quitting when times get bad.

Stop the negative talk.
2. Stop the negative talk. The more you bad-mouth writing—even if it’s just in your mind—the more you’ll begin to believe what you’re hearing. This is an important step in returning to that bloom of first love. Don’t taper off the negativity, just stop . . .  immediately!

3. Make a list of all the things that made you fall in love in the first place. There was a reason you answered the siren call of words. It’s up to you to remember it and then—write it down.

4. Set the mood. Just like a marriage is better with an occasional candle-lit dinner, so writers need a little romancing. Choose someplace you love and write there. It could be a coffee shop, or a cozy chair by the fireplace at home. Then add a little mood music. Even if you don’t usually write to music, sometimes the change can be just the spark to rekindle the love.

Dress up your writing space.
5. Dress it up—your writing space that is. This may mean sprucing up your office, investing in a new writing program (Scrivener anyone?) or it might just be a new bit of wall art. It doesn’t have to be expensive, just make sure it’s writing related.

6. Add a little mystery. Start your writing time with a writing prompt. If you’ve never used one before, you’re in for a treat. It’s something that gets your creativity flowing. You can type writing prompts into a search engine on the Internet and get thousands of them.

7. Rekindle the romance. Revisit the things you love to write. If you’re working on book revisions, take time to write a poem, or short story, or devotion. Or maybe just spend some time with old-fashioned pen and paper, journaling.

These are the things I do when I need to fall back in love with the written word. What tips do you have. Be sure to share them in the comments section below.

Edie Melson is an author, freelance writer and editor. Her blog, The Write Conversation, reaches thousands each month. She’s the co-director of the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference. She’s the Social Media Mentor at My Book Therapy, the Social Media Director for Southern Writers Magazine, and the Senior Editor for Connect with her on Twitter and Facebook.


  1. #5 is my favorite thing to do if I get in a frump. Yes I said frump, because I don't do slumps. So I dress up my writing nook. Soon - oh please soon - I'll have an office! All I have to do is sell my dining room furniture. Then the hubs will take the dining room for his music room and I get the office. Yippee!

    1. Ane, I like that - a FRUMP, not a SLUMP! I'm going to remember that. Blessings, E

  2. Or, like me, you by a new-used desk. Seriously, finally having my own space (the dad is always last) makes me feel like it's not just a hobby.

    1. You are so right. My husband got me a new desk before he got one! Blessings, E

  3. Great post, Edie. It's so easy to get sucked into the nuts & bolts of what we do and neglect the original passion that first nudged us toward writing. We're empty-nesters now, so I have my own office, complete with framed book covers on the wall and a vintage typewriter theme ... but my most productive days seem to happen on my screened-in back porch when the weather's nice. Thanks for reminding us how to keep a fresh perspective!

    1. Diane, I have a screened in back porch too. And it's my favorite place to write. Thanks for stopping by, Blessings, E


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