Ronie can be found at, on Facebook (, Twitter (@roniekendig), and Goodreads ( .
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A few
years ago, a brand-new author leaped onto the scene. I loved the author’s
concept for the debut novel, and I jumped to read it. Just one problem: the author
did not know how to make the male character sound like a male. Repeatedly, the
character talked and acted like a female. I had to readjust my framework and
remind myself—the protagonist is a male.
The protagonist is a male.
is a literary expression of who we are, what we feel and how we think, which
may explain why many female authors find it so difficult to write male
characters. I think it would be correct to say that in order to accurately
write the male POV, one must understand the way men think (I hear many ladies
snickering right now). In a world were roles are being redefined, some of that is bleeding into fiction, into the way we write characters. In my quest to understand how to best write gender-appropriately, one author told me she writes men the way she'd like them to be (doing laundry, helping with dinner...). The key to remember in writing male characters is that: It's really, truly okay for a male character to be MALE!
That line
of thought led me to the Gender Genie and Gender Guesser, online programs
that analyze chunks of writing to determine the author’s gender. The algorithm
is based off a study done between Moshe
Koppel, Bar-Ilan University, Israel, and Shlomo Argamon, Illinois Institute of
Technology (full study findings here), which found indicators within documents that were distinctively
male and distinctively female.
When I teach at conferences and workshops, I remind
authors that every element of their scene should reflect that character, but I would also add that the composite of those choices will lend itself to determining your character's gender. Not
just the dialogue (which is imperative) but the narrative and internal
thoughts. It’s great if your male character sounds like a guy, but if they are
thinking like a woman, there’s a disconnect.
Here are some tips to keep your
male sounding like a guy (and remember, some are generalizations)
· Men are one-box thinkers (see the Mark
Gungor video – They say what they mean and focus on one topic. Typically, there’s no reading
between the lines. Which brings up another thing I've often seen. The hero is running for his life, dodging bullets and IEDs...yet the female author has the guy thinking about his love for the heroine and how she makes him feel. Sorry. Not happening. Guys are not only one-box thinkers they're action oriented, doers. He's not thinking about shifting relationships. He's thinking about NOT DYING!
· Sentence structure – Because they are
one-box thinkers, men often take the shortest possible route—to make their
point, in driving, in dialogue. So keep their dialogue short.
· Men tend to state demands (“Give me an
iced tea.”) rather than preferences (“I’d like a Diet Coke, please.” ) the way
a woman would.
· Action choice – make sure your word
choices to describe actions are appropriate (have your male character, stalk, stomp, across a room). I cringed the day I read a story where the
guy “giggled.” Please, please, don't have your guy giggle (unless it's a plot point). Girls giggle. Guys chuckle.
· Word Choices – This should be weighed carefully whether writing a female or a male character because our
word choices indicate much about us—career, background, and yes, even gender. It’s
not uncommon to hear me use military lingo in everyday conversation, but that's not something you'd hear from someone who'd n ever been around the military.
· Length – The length of your narratives,
dialogue, and sentences will probably be shorter, more concise when writing a
male character. As writers, we’re naturally verbose. We have a lot to share with our
audience, but don't let the author speak. Let your GUY speak! Men aren’t as talkative.
· Men are internal thinkers, so much of what
a character might work through should be done internally. . .but remember—men are
THINKERS (generally), not FEELERS. So they aren’t often thinking about how they’re
feeling. They’re thinking through logistics and a plan of action. (Don’t misunderstand—it’s okay to have
your male character thinking about his feelings for a woman, but really—keep it
short(er) and concise.)
are the quick tips to keeping a male character sounding like a guy. Men are a
bit more complex than that, but those tips will go a long way in maintaining a
solid masculine voice in writing the male POV. The point is, while
generalizations about males and females are often exaggerated, they are based
in truth—there are differences in the way men and women talk and
think. Writers have the daunting task of translating the known differences into
plausible, compelling fiction and characters.
Just remember: let your guy be a
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A fiery handler. Her tough bullmastiff. A
mission like no other.
Beowulf—a hulky, brindle-coated bullmastiff—is the only “boy” for Timbrel Hogan. And she has a history to remind her why. But when Timbrel, a handler at A Breed Apart, embarks on a mission to detect WMDs in Afghanistan, she reunites with Tony “Candyman” VanAllen and her no-other-man philosophy is challenged. While tension mounts between Timbrel and Tony, the team comes under fire after Beowulf gets a “hit.” When tragedy threatens Tony’s career and Timbrel’s courage, they must maneuver through an intricate plot and a mission like no other. . . .
Buy Beowulf: Explosives Detection Dog Beowulf—a hulky, brindle-coated bullmastiff—is the only “boy” for Timbrel Hogan. And she has a history to remind her why. But when Timbrel, a handler at A Breed Apart, embarks on a mission to detect WMDs in Afghanistan, she reunites with Tony “Candyman” VanAllen and her no-other-man philosophy is challenged. While tension mounts between Timbrel and Tony, the team comes under fire after Beowulf gets a “hit.” When tragedy threatens Tony’s career and Timbrel’s courage, they must maneuver through an intricate plot and a mission like no other. . . .
Couldn't agree more, Ronie. Excellent points. Men are cool. Love them. I spent a good amount of time learning about them, wanting to get to know the real them, and understanding who they are as individuals and in general. I actually prefer male protagonists and try diligently to get them right when I "create" them. Great post, Ronie.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree, Ronie. I definitely make an effort to have my male characters act like the real men I know. Which means sometimes they don't say or do the right things at the right time. Most women who read about these kind of men might feel some frustration with them, but in the end, they walk away saying, "He reminds me of..." (someone they know or are married to!). We know our female characters through and through--if they're bold, nosy, etc. We need to know our male characters just as well. They might be sensitive, bossy, whatever...but we need to KNOW them and portray them realistically. Great post.
ReplyDeleteMost guys I write won't cooperate with me--and that's telling in and of itself. LOL
DeleteI'm sorry. I wasn't listening.
ReplyDeleteCould you repeat that?
Steve Laube
DeleteGreat article, Ronie. There are a couple of places where I've made that mistake of allowing the guy doe out-of-the-box thoughts. Fortunately, those are yet published and there's time for me to fix them. :)
ReplyDeleteWhat's up, Ronie? (I lengthened the sentence right there, to break from the normal guy mode of short length. Original: sup?)
ReplyDeleteLOL I forgot to mention that guys always do the opposite of what's expected of them. Just to be difficult. :-P
DeleteNo they don't :)
DeleteYes! I hate sappy love speeches from male characters. But it seems like guys with girl qualities show up in most romances I read. Unfortunately.
ReplyDeleteFor instance, a while back I read a book by a favorite author &, while in the main male's POV, she had him noticing the colors of the women's dresses & bonnets while walking down the street. Actually, he might have been strolling. This from a tough cowboy-type. She really lost me there.
I have had issues when I've read about a guy about to enter into a life or death situation and his mind is on the girl. It bugs me. I'm glad you pointed that out since I'm pretty sure his mind is worrying about what's on the other side of the door or how fast he can escape.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Ronie. My wife and I attended a marriage retreat where the speaker demonstrated women's "radar" by splaying out his hands over his head like antlers. Then he demonstrated men's "radar" by using one finger in the center of his forehead like a unicorn (I whispered to my wife that his radar was about 3 feet too high). Men are very singularly focused. God designed us that way. That's why we rush into burning buildings without thought to anything else. It's also why you'll waste about ten minutes of your life if you talk to us while we're reading. I need to write a list of stereotypes that I'd like to kill, too. Among those are that all men love sports (I never watch a game) and that a man's eyes immediately drift south when he sees an attractive woman. Most of us go for the eyes (really, we know where they are). Of course, I have the same issues when writing female characters. Thankfully, my wife straightens me out. I just have to pay attention when she's correcting me.
ReplyDeleteRon, you are such a hoot!! I'm dying to meet your wife. :)
DeleteLove Arnold Schwartzenegger's description: "girlie man" (said with a sneer and curled upper lip). Thanks for the checklist so we can avoid creating those! ...and really, don't men and women appeal to each other precisely because we're so different?
ReplyDeleteGreat article!! Thanks so much. I think the comments were just as entertaining. :)
ReplyDeleteThis is very helpful, as my WIP has a male MC. Thanks a lot, Ronie!
ReplyDeleteGood article and comments. Next read- through, I'll double- check my pilots' machismo.
ReplyDeleteGreat post, and good suggestions. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteGreat stuff, Ronie. I think you nailed it.
ReplyDeleteAs a guy, many times I we... SQUIRREL! (grin)
Hi Ronnie, great article. I tend to base my male characters on men that I know or have known. I put myself in their heads and have my male characters react to situations the way the men in my life would. I've always had many male friends and relatives to base my male characters on. I've also based some of my male characters on male characters I love from the movies or television (John McClane from Die Hard, Verbal and Dean Keaton from The Usual Suspects, Diaval from Maleficent…). So far this has worked well for me. Thank you! Oh, by the way, if my male character is gay (queen) he will giggle. Ha,ha!
ReplyDeleteGREAT article! This is just what I was looking for. I know my male MC's voice dialogue is pretty good, I have an ear for it from acting. But the inner dialogue I wasn't sure of. Hadn't thought in terms of shorter sentences and the like!