Mountaintops are beautiful. It's there you feel free as if you have the world at your fingertips. You have a front row seat to God's majestic sunrise and at night, an unobstructed view of the vast universe.
It's a wonderful place to experience, but you can't stay up there forever. Though sometimes we wish we could.
Even Jesus knew that he had to eventually come down from his mountaintop experience to do the work necessary to fulfill his purpose in life. While his time of refreshing and transforming on the mountain was necessary, it was his ministry in the valley that was most important. That's where the people were!
Whether you're dancing on the mountain or down in the valley getting your hands dirty, each experience has it's place and purpose in your writing life.
Our mountaintops may consists of signed contracts with agents and publishing house, typing THE END, and reader fan mail. But it starts down in the valley of writing and editing where we pour out sweat and tears. In the valley we connect with our souls so we can connect with the reader. In the valley the real work is done so we can experience the brief thrill of the mountaintop and offer that same experience to someone else.
But eventually we have to come down again and write once more. For without the valleys in our lives, their might be no way to get to the mountaintop!
Where are you in your life? Mountain top or valley? Learn to embrace both and enjoy your time wherever you are!
Gina Conroy is founder of Writer...Interrupted and is still learning how to balance a career with raising a family. Represented by Chip MacGregor, she finds time to write fun, quirky mysteries in between carpooling and ballroom dancing . Her first mystery Cherry Blossom Capers, released from Barbour Publishing in January 2012, and Digging Up Death is available now.

I think I'm clinging to the mountain side. But there's a new year ahead, and I get to choose which direction I go, up or down!