by Cynthia Ruchti
We write because of the way writing has moved us. We write because The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. And His coming changed everything.
© 2013 Cynthia Ruchti
THIS is the world
He wanted to save?
This one?
THIS world?
This ragged place?
This twisted mix of pain we feel
And pain we cause,
This tilting sphere of stress tattoos
Of “no one loses”
WE’RE the ones God
thought worth saving?
Brazen disregard and graven
Thoughts that masquerade as love,
So far removed from gratitude
And worship of the Most High God.
So dark against His blinding light.
No sight, no listening ears,
No hand-raised cheers,
At all
Without Him.
A pure-skinned Child, He gave.
A Child!
A little One.
How could He trust His Son to US?
We’ve messed up everything we’ve touched.
We’ve lost what He created for us,
Stomped on
Stripped out
Bleached and beached
The grace He planned
Eons ago.
He watched us waste it.
He watched us waste.
He watched us.
He watched.
He…loved us anyway.
And sent His Son.
A Light
So bright
It split the sky in two that night.
And you
And I
Were gifted Hope
With His
It wouldn’t be His last.
And all He would ever ask
is that you…
Come. Come see the place
Where the young Child lies.
Come see eternity
In His bright eyes.
Come taste the sweetness
Mercy provides
In the breath of this Holy Babe.
Come, find your rest
from the messes you’ve made.
Come find your place
In the warmth of His shade.
Come, find your joy
In the strength of His Name.
The Child’s first word—
A sound like bells—
A call to worship—
So we come, because He did
And when He came,
He changed everything.
We come and kneel
At the Name of JESUS.
We bow
At the feet of JESUS.
We sing
To the Holy One, JESUS.
We listen
With our whole hearts to JESUS.
We worship
The One who came—JESUS.
And we are
Cynthia Ruchti is an author and speaker who tells stories of Hope-that-glows-in-the-dark through novels and novellas, devotions, nonfiction, and speaking events for women and writers. Among her latest releases are When the Morning Glory Blooms (novel from Abingdon Press Fiction), Ragged Hope: Surviving the Fallout of Other People's Choices (nonfiction from Abingdon Press Christian Living), and Mornings With Jesus 2014 (devotion compilation from Guideposts). or .
Cynthia Ruchti is an author and speaker who tells stories of Hope-that-glows-in-the-dark through novels and novellas, devotions, nonfiction, and speaking events for women and writers. Among her latest releases are When the Morning Glory Blooms (novel from Abingdon Press Fiction), Ragged Hope: Surviving the Fallout of Other People's Choices (nonfiction from Abingdon Press Christian Living), and Mornings With Jesus 2014 (devotion compilation from Guideposts). or .
This is brilliant!! It softly touches the heart and then grips it!