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Wednesday, December 04, 2013

E is For Editor, By Steve Laube

Your editor can be your best friend in the industry (besides your agent, of course). Or your editor can be your worst enemy.
Bad Side First
An editor who doesn’t reply to your email inquiries or return your phone calls is either ignoring you on purpose or is so busy with other pressing matters they can’t get to yours. If you have this problem make sure you didn’t create it in the first place by incessantly poking your editor with minor questions. It is likely many of your questions can be answered by your agent, unless they are related to the specific editing of your manuscript.
An editor who does not understand what you are trying to do with your manuscript and rewrites your work to their own tastes is not a good thing and should be resisted. But be careful, it is rare that the editor is being nefarious and intentionally mean to you. Their job is to improve your manuscript, they may have merely misread the content. If you feel their hand is too heavy then hold firm and gently push back. This is appropriate and not confrontational.
An editor with whom you simply don’t get along can undermine some of the in-house discussions. When I was an editor I talked to the marketing director who would always ask, “Do we have a future with this author?” Why? Because she had extra money designated to spend on authors we were building and that money would help the next book from that author. If my answer to her question was “no” then we moved on to the next author in the lineup. That “no” would come for any number of reasons (sales, poor writing, etc.).
The Good Side
Did the above paragraphs scare you a little? That was intentional. Understand that the “Bad Side” is rare. They make for great campfire horror stories. They do happen but it is not the norm.
Instead a good editor is your champion. They acquired your book, defended it against all odds in-house and are there as your partner to make your book a treasure. Often these editorial relationships last for a long time. I remember reading about a major bestselling author (someone like Stephen King or John Grisham – I don’t remember who) had switched to a new publishing house. It was huge news and the journalist was wondering “why the switch?” It later came out that the author’s editor had been hired by the new publisher and the author followed. I’ve known authors and editors who have become best friends, staying at each other’s homes, and even vacationing with each other’s families.
At one point in my editorial days an author liked working with me so much he tried to get a “key man” clause written into the contract. This would mean that if I left the company he could opt out of the contract! My boss wouldn’t go for it saying with a laugh, “Steve? This clause would give you more job security than I have!”
Having a go-to person for all thing editorial is one of the great benefits of having a great editor on your side. How does this differ from your agent? The easiest answer is to say that if you have a great relationship with your editor (note the “if”) then that person is for all things creative related to your book. The agent then becomes all things business related to your book. That is a simplistic dividing line but you get the idea.
Steve Laube, president and founder of The Steve Laube Agency, is a 32 year veteran of the bookselling industry. He began his career in the bookselling arena and his store in Phoenix was named the Christian Booksellers Association (CBA) store of the year in 1989. He then spent 11 years with Bethany House Publishers rising to the position of an editorial director. In 2002 he was named the AWSA Golden Scroll Editor of the Year. The next year he became a literary agent and in 2004 formed The Steve Laube Agency. In 2009 he was named the ACFW Agent of the Year. In 2013 he was inducted into the Grand Canyon University Hall-of-Fame by their College of Theology.
Steve has very eclectic interests. He has represented everything from the sweet romance to the systematic theology. His clients are equally divided between fiction and non-fiction writers. 


  1. I have one of those horror stories. I paid an editor and I've tried and tried to get her to get back in touch with me. I've tried for seven months. I'm not the only one who has this issue. I felt like it was a take the money and run deal. Anything I do to try to recoup my money doesn't affect her but someone else. Live and learn.

  2. A conscientious editor is like gold--an extremely valuable commodity. Although I do feel for you, Sandra (in the comment above), I'm sure Steve is talking about editors at publishing houses who receive their salary from the company, not freelance editors who charges the writer for services. There are excellent freelancers out there, too, but it pays to ask around for recommendations.

  3. I'm just catching up on emails and blogs today. This one was one of my favorite. It was informative and full of insight. Thank you Steve and may all of you have a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year! :)

    Paulette Harris


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