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Saturday, November 02, 2013

A True Fairy Tale

Want to hear a magical publishing story? The kind that never ever happens but totally did to me? Pull up a chair, fairy tale lovers, because I’ve got a story for you…

Deep into the deadest part of last winter, writerly despair whapped me upside the head. Every writer knows that pain. The ol’ I’ll-never-get-a-contract blues. But this time it was worse.

I’d heard about a new publishing opportunity for a digital first line with David C. Cook. The thing is that they’d only take agented submissions. Woo-hoo! I have an agent. Moan! She’s on maternity leave.

So there I was, dead in the water. No way to jump on this opportunity and submit. I transformed into a living, breathing Eeyore.

What to do? I prayed. No, really. Not just the token “help me” kind of prayer. I’m talkin’ the drop to my knees and seriously turn my troubles over to God with much weeping and gnashing of teeth kind of prayer. Guess what? He answered. Yeah, I know. God always answers, but for the most part, never how I expect. This time, however, He took my breath away.

Within the hour, I received an email from the acquisitions editor at David C. Cook, the very house I was interested in. The editor said she’d “stumbled” across my blog and liked my style. Did I have anything I wanted to submit?

Not. Even. Kidding.

I dusted off one of my manuscripts and sent it her way. Lo and behold (because this is a Godly fairy tale after all), Cook bought my manuscript, and my book came out in June. Publishers never move that fast. Editors don’t email wannabe authors. Prayers are never answered like this.

Wrong, on all accounts.

Now don’t misinterpret what I’m saying. Of course God doesn’t move in these kinds of ways all the time. I share this little tale for those who may currently be in the grips of writerly despair.

Take heart, writers. Miracles DO still happen. Keep plugging away. Write those blog posts. Submit those articles. Pound out word after word on your manuscript. Then when God finally does give you the green light, you’ll be ready.

Curious about what Cook bought? A HEART DECEIVED is a gothic regency...

Miri Brayden teeters on a razor's edge between placating and enraging her brother, whom she depends upon for support. Yet if his anger is unleashed, so is his madness. Miri must keep his descent into lunacy a secret, or he'll be committed to an asylum-and she'll be sent to the poorhouse.

Ethan Goodwin has been on the run all of his life-from family, from the law ... from God. After a heart-changing encounter with the gritty Reverend John Newton, Ethan would like nothing more than to become a man of integrity-an impossible feat for an opium addict charged with murder.

When Ethan shows up on Miri's doorstep, her balancing act falls to pieces. Both Ethan and Miri are caught in a web of lies and deceit-fallacies that land Ethan in prison and Miri in the asylum with her brother. Only the truth will set them free.

Michelle’s been writing since she first discovered blank wall space and Crayolas...professionally, however, for the past 10 years. Her recent release is A HEART DECEIVED, a gothic regency put out by David C. Cook (June 2013). If you’d like to keep up with her escapades, you can find her at or or feel free to stalk her on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest.


  1. Love this. And congratulations, Michelle. Bravo for God and for you.

  2. I'd forgotten part of that, Genghis. I love how God has moved on your account!! I know I love your voice and style!!

  3. Love this amazing, encouraging story! And sometimes God doesn't answer prayers the way we want...but it doesn't mean He doesn't hear them and answer them in HIS way. I'm starting to learn that.

  4. I love a good fairy tale and what an encouraging post for those of us who write in that genre. Thanks so much for sharing!

  5. Hi Michelle, C'mon over here and sit down ... no, not there. :)

    Actually, could you possibly just share the EXACT WORDS of your prayer? If it worked once ... ?

  6. Sorry, you'll have to buy the book: The Prayer of Jabez-Griep


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