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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Getting Interrupted While Reading a Great Novel

Do you get annoyed when you're immersed in a captivating novel and someone breaks the moment?

I do. Not as much as I did years ago. Darci used to dread the times I'd find a can't-put-down-novel because I'd hit the pause button on life till the book was finished.

These days not so much. (Yes, I'm actually maturing in my old age.)

But I still cracked up when I saw this video, because a part of me still knows how the guy feels. Maybe it's the same for you.

Does life go on hold when you find a novel you love? What's the last novel that did that for you?

James L. Rubart is the best-selling and Christy award winning author of ROOMS, BOOK OF DAYS, THE CHAIR, SOUL’S GATE, and MEMORY’S DOOR. He’s also a professional speaker and owner of Barefoot Marketing which helps businesses and authors make more coin of the realm. In his free time he dirt bikes, hikes, golfs, takes photos, and occasionally does sleight of hand. No, he doesn’t sleep much. He lives with his amazing wife and two sons in the Pacific Northwest and still thinks he’s young enough to water ski like a madman. More at and on Facebook:


  1. The last novel I read that drove me to the end was several books ago. The unequaled in his genre Vince Flynn's final book The Last Man. Loved him so much. Mitch Rapp is the hero of all heroes. One of the best series ever. Vince was so young (47) when he died of cancer.

    1. I haven't read any of Vince's novels (yet) but have heard the same from others. Far too young to die.

  2. That's a hoot! But you know what really fries my craw? It's when I'm deep inside my story world, writing, and someone interrupts me. Grrrrrrr


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