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Thursday, September 12, 2013

CONGRATULATIONS Ane Mulligan!!!!!!!!!!!

Our very own Ane Mulligan has just signed her first book contract. I have no doubt this is the first of many. She's worked long and hard and has helped more people along the way then probably all the rest of us put together. You all know she's an incredible person and a wonderful writer. I am so proud and happy for her.

Please take the time to wish another sojourner well. She certainly deserves it.

Ane, you've been waiting a long time for this girl...


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  1. Mucho congratulations, Ane Girl. Hurray for you!

  2. Woo-hooo!!!! Excited for you, Ane!

  3. You're right, it's been 11 years!!! But good things are worth waiting for.

  4. Replies
    1. LOL you should be. You critiqued it. LOL Thanks, Jess.

  5. Thanks, Jess. I couldn't have done it without you and GIna and Lisa and Michelle! You're my tribe.

  6. congratulations, Ane! Very happy for you.

  7. Ane, I am so happy for you!!!! This is wonderful news! We want details. : ) I will be hunting you down today.

  8. Congratulations, Ane!!!! Well done, and so well deserved!!!

  9. So, we finally get to kick up our heels for you in public! Yippee!!!

  10. Yahoo! Way to go Ane. I'll be in Indy in about 6 hours. Hopefully I can congratulate you in person!

  11. Congratulations, Ane! So happy for you!!!

  12. Yay Ane! I'm so happy for you! You worked hard, stood by what you believed, did what it took, and kept at it...and now look at you! Congratulations, sweet friend! You deserve it!

    1. Thank you, Vonda! It was God's timing and His place. I'm so pleased!!

  13. I was traveling yesterday (no, not to ACFW) and didn't see this, but what a morning blessing! I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU, ANE! My long-ago prediction has come true. Can't wait to read your work in print. BIG congratulations!

  14. Congrats!!!! One of soooooo many more to come!

    1. Thank you, DiAnn! You've been one of those who has taught me a lot. :)

  15. Way to hold on, Ane. Your persistence is an encouragement to the rest of us! Congratulations!!

    1. We never make it if we quit. So keep going and remember, it's God's time and place.:)

  16. Congratulations, Ane. You've given us so much and it's great to see you get rewarded.

  17. Congratulations Ane! Glad to here your good news.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Ane, Congratulations! I'm so happy for you and know you have worked long and hard. I remember you from early on when I started my writing journey 10 years ago.

    1. Thank you, Daphne. I have a year on you, but who's counting. LOL

  20. This IS great news. Congratulations, Ane!

  21. DiAnn, Janice, Daphne, Horton, Camille, et all ... thanks you so much!

  22. Is this the same Ane Mulligan who was a biker chick in a former life? Just goes to show God can use anybody who is willing to walk the winding path He's prepared for them.
    Congratulations, Ane!
    Now, don't drop the ball just before the goal line. Make sure you follow all the edits that still need to be done. ;-)

  23. So glad I was here to hug on you in person!

  24. I would have hugged you much longer and harder at conference if I'd seen this post earlier. If I could, I'd be up dancing for you.

  25. Aw, thanks, Lena. Love you, my redheaded friend! :)


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