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Monday, April 29, 2013

Interview with Author Sharon Srock

Today we welcome author Sharon Srock. Sharon Srock lives with her husband, Larry, and two dogs in Rural Oklahoma. She is a mother, grandmother, and Sunday School teacher. Sharon has one and three-quarters jobs and writes in her spare time. Her favorite hobby is traveling with her grandchildren. She is a member of the ACFW and currently serves as treasurer for her local chapter. Sharon’s debut novel, The Women of Valley View: Callie released in October 2012. The second in the series, The Women of Valley View: Terri releases in April 2013.

Why do you write? 

Seems to be a God thing. I never “dreamed of being a writer”. It took me by as much surprise as anyone. I’m a pretty goal driven person, but with 2 jobs other than the writing, my life was already busy. I’ve never pursued anything with the single minded do-it-yesterday mindset that the writing has produced.

 Why do you write in this genre?

We’ll have to blame God for that as well. These are the stories that are in my heart. When I started on the first book, I didn’t know that “women’s fiction” was a genre. I’d never read anything like what I was writing. I’ve read some very good women’s fiction since then, but it still is not my genre of choice when I go book shopping. I tend to lean more to romantic suspense, and courtroom drama. Can’t imagine writing either of those. Is that weird?

Tell us about your new release

Despite a bustling day care center and a new foster child, Terri Hayes hungers for a family of her own. Then a plumbing mishap leaves her homeless and questioning God’s plan. Steve Evans’s gracious offer of his basement apartment as a temporary solution is an answered prayer. Steve is a successful writer and a good father, but Terri is horrified when Steve’s book research leads him to a harsh confrontation with the parents of her foster child.  She needs to distance herself from Steve, but her efforts fall short as his two scheming daughters plot to make Terri their new stepmother.

Will harsh words and sneaky plans drive Kelsey’s family further apart and put a wedge between Terri and Steve? Or does God have another plan in store? 

Where did you get your inspiration for this character? 

When I started the first book I wanted my characters to appeal to a wide range of women. Callie was mid fifties, and a working woman. Karla was 60 and newly retired. Pam was my 40 year old, on her second marriage and still raising her family. Terri was 29, single, and longing for a husband and family. When Steve Evans came along, A successful single Hunk…it was just a match made in heaven.

If you could visit anyone of your characters who would it be and why?

That’s like asking a mother which of her children is her favorite. The answer is going to vary from one day to the next. All of my women have good and bad traits. Right this second I’d choose Samantha, but that’s just for now and driven by the fact that I’m writing her story and would love to be in her head better.

How do you balance your writing time with family and any other work you do?

 s I mentioned, I have two paying jobs, I have a husband, daughters, and  grands and great grands. They all like a hunk of my time on occasion. I write in lunch and break time snatches, a lot on weekends, and I try to work in some after work bits and pieces as well. My husband is pretty good with a fend-for-yourself night if I really need time at the computer. Example: Last Friday night was Terri’s facebook launch party. Friday is our weekly night out, but he left me at the computer, undisturbed for 3 hours, brought me food and drink, and cleaned up the kitchen after I crawled into bed.

Is there anything you would change about your writing journey?

I wish I had started earlier. I knew 25 years ago that this is what God called me to do. The best and worst part about being a writer...Best, finally feeling like I've found my place in God's plan. Worst--the never ending waiting. I'm not a good waiter.

Is there anything else in life you’re passionate about? Other hobbies you’d like to pursue someday? 

Right now I’m into traveling. About 9 years ago my husband decided he didn’t care for vacations much. I started taking each of my grandchildren on a special trip, just me and them, working my down from oldest to youngest .We’ve been to Hawaii, The Grand Canyon, Cozumel, Disney, and several cruises. This year is my last grandchild trip. My youngest granddaughter and I are taking a Bahamas cruise and spending a couple of days at Disney. God has truly blessed me with the desires of my heart in allowing me to do this for each of them. The memories we’ve made are one of my treasured possessions. Next year the adult vacations start. My eldest daughter, a friend, and I are doing an Alaskan cruise.

Thanks so much for joining us!

Connect with Sharon here:

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  1. Gina, Thanks so much for hosting me on Novel Rocket this week. I'm looking forward to visiting with your readers.

  2. Hi, Sharon... just wanted to paddle by and say how much I enjoyed reading WOMEN OF VALLEY VIEW: TERRI this month. It actually got me looking up Garfield, Oklahoma, and wondering if I could schedule a visit sometime soon. Imagine my surprise when... um... well, I guess I'll just have to take one of my alternate routes. But no worries, I don't mind a few adventures along the way. Meanwhile, I can't wait to see what's in store for Samantha!

  3. Lilly, thanks for reading and the great review. Can't wait till you have a chance to post it around and more people can see it. Hard at work on Pam edits, Sam's story is about half written and in holding right now.

    Safe Travels.

    P.S. Garfield is fictional, but if you ever find yourself in Oklahoma city, give me a yell!


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