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Monday, March 04, 2013

Model Perfect!

Ronie Kendig is an award-winning, bestselling author who grew up an Army brat. She married her own hunky hero, who’s an Army veteran. Her life is never dull in a family with four children and two dogs. She has a degree in psychology, speaks to various groups, is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and mentors new writers. Rapid-Fire Fiction, her brand, is exemplified through her novels: Dead Reckoning, the Discarded Heroes military series, which includes acclaimed novels Nightshade, Digitalis, Wolfsbane, Firethorn, and Trinity: Military War Dog. Ronie can be found at, on Facebook (, Twitter (@roniekendig), and GoodReads.

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One of my favorite aspects of being an author is the exhilarating and stomach-clenching cover reveal! What's more fun--finding out a friend knows the model who posed for your cover! I've had the great pleasure of meeting, either in person or online, four of the models who've posed for my books. Today, I have the immense pleasure of introducing y'all to Lindsay, the model who posed as Aspen Courtland for my upcoming release, Talon: Combat Tracking Team (May 2013). 

First, could you tell us a little about yourself (age, career, degree. . .favorite food)? 

A little about myself…  I am 26 years old and have lived in Tulsa, OK my entire life. I graduated from Oral Roberts University with a Communications degree and currently work at a Business Consulting firm where I do consulting and marketing work primarily. My husband and I got married shortly after I graduated in 2009 and we have one dog, Rory, who has been our baby… up until now! We are expecting a little girl at the beginning of June! With that – my favorite foods are a little crazy. J Anything with marinara sauce is a favorite right now (pizza, spaghetti…). I also love almost every fruit and have a bit of a Dr Pepper addiction which I have had to curb during the pregnancy!

How did you come to model as Aspen Courtland for the cover of Talon: Combat Tracking Team ?

I work for the Linda Layman Agency in Tulsa and have been doing work for them – primarily runway modeling – for about 8 years. I got a call about the book cover and jumped on the opportunity. It sounded like such a fun thing to be a part of!

How did you get involved in this modeling, and how long have you been modeling?
I really started modeling in high school and college – around 8 years ago. I had a few friends who did modeling and had a lot of fun with it, and being a tall, somewhat lanky girl, it was a good fit for me! I have mostly worked in runway and promotional spots, although have done a few different magazine spreads as well.

The design house supplied us with this picture of the yellow Labrador that posed as Talon. Can you tell us about it? 

Haha that dog was hilarious! He was so sweet and such a good sport – although there were definite times when he wasn’t ready to “work.”  Whenever we would try to get a good face-to-face shot, I’d try to hold him tight, which he wasn’t too fond of. He was loving just getting to roll around in the dirt and be a typical dog. I have a pretty small dog, so I wasn’t used to not being able to control the squirming!

  What was your favorite part of the photo shoot (besides the gorgeous yellow Lab—because we already know he’s awesome)?

He is definitely pretty awesome. Honestly, it was fun just being outside with him and enjoying the environment. We did the shoot not too far from where I work, and there are quite a few offices and restaurants in the area. It was around lunch time, so there were a good amount of people out walking – I’m sure they were curious as to what we were doing! It’s always fun to do something a little different, and I challenged myself to really try to get into character.

 If you could give one piece of advice to anyone looking into modeling, what would it be?

Know who you are and be confident in that. The modeling world can be a ton of fun, but it can also be a crazy place where a lot of pressure is put on looking a certain way and being a certain size. As long as you remain true to who you are and your values, it can be a great place to experience new things and meet really interesting people.  And never take yourself too seriously! Have fun with it!

Author Kathleen Y’Barbo Turner realized the model on Talon’s cover (You!) attended her church, then got you and I connected. In light of that fact, would you share what your faith means to you?

My faith is everything to me. Growing up in church, I’ve always been taught about the importance of reading His Word and spending time with Him, but as I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized even more how much my relationship with God helps me get through each and every day. And that’s what it is about – a relationship. There are so many times that I talk to God throughout my day without even realizing it. I’ll be driving to work in the morning just talking out loud to Him – anyone who happens to look over must think I’m crazy! He is continually teaching me to trust Him completely and reminding me that He is always faithful. He has proved that to me so many times! It’s not always an easy thing to relinquish the reigns over to Him – I’m very much a planner and like to be in control – but He is always reminding me that His ways are truly better than my own.

Ronie here again--I've thoroughly enjoyed chatting with Lindsay. She's as beautiful inside as she is in these photos! If you'd like to check out her blog and learn more about this amazing young woman, here is the link: Also--mega congrats to this handsome couple--they are expecting their first baby!! 

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Ronie's Trinity: Military War Dog is a best-selling hit!
Reeling from the effects of a traumatic brain injury that ripped his military career from his hands, former Green Beret Heath Daniels struggles to find new purpose with his war dog, Trinity.  
Military intelligence officer Darci Kintz is captured and her team killed while secretly tracking the Taliban.  Only one military war dog can handle the extreme conditions to save her—Trinity. And only one man can handle Trinity. Time is running out on the greatest—and most dangerous—mission of their lives.


  1. Thank you, Lindsay, for letting everyone meet you! I'm so glad you are featured on my cover! :-D

  2. Cool cover! Well done, Ladies.

  3. what a fun interview--a real treat to me the real "cover girl." Blessings on your Mommy adventure, Lindsay! :-)

  4. What to treat to hear from a successful Christian model. Really enjoyed it! Thanks!!!


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