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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Can You Help? A Chance to Win.

Hi all, Gina Holmes here. My third, and best yet I think, novel, Wings of Glass has released. I'm trying to get the word out and can use your help. If you can participate you will be entered to win 1 of 3 prize packs, which include autographed copies of all 3 of my novels: Crossing Oceans, Dry as Rain and Wings of Glass.

Here are some ways you can help and enter:

1. If you've read the book, leave a review on Goodreads, Amazon, Lifeway, CBD, B&N, Books a Million or other online bookseller or site.

2. Write a review for your blog or website. If you'd like one ready to go, we can probably get permission from another reviewer to repost.

3. Ask your library to carry it.

4. Post on facebook, pinterest, twitter or other social media site that Wings of Glass has released.

5. Post an interview with me. I have one all ready to go. You wouldn't have to do anything but post.

If you participate, please let me know so I can enter you for the prize. Anytime from now until March 15th is great.

Thanks so much! Gina

PS. Today, the Lifeway blog posted about Wings HERE. 
and Novel Crossing HERE. 


  1. Hi Gina,

    Looks like a great book :)

    Unfortunately I only just joined CFBA this week, so I missed the chance to get a copy of your book to review on my blog & at online retailers. However, I've put in a request for the book to be purchased at my library, so I'm hoping to read it soon!

    By the way, I loved "Dry as Rain" ( so, keep up the great writing :)

    Jeremy Harder

  2. Sure. Happy to help, Gina. Drop me a note (River has my email addy.)

  3. Gina,
    What a fabulous way to start a book! I've requested that my local library carry this. I'd also like to post the interview on my blog (http://hismorningglory.blogspot(dot)com). Where can I get it?

  4. Thanks folks. Jeremy, l loved your review of Dry as Rain. If each of you would email me at rnglh1 at yahoo dot com, I can send you what you need. Thanks so much!

  5. Hi Gina,
    Have read your first two books and enjoyed them immensely. I have posted the blog about your new book on my facebook page.
    Can't wait to read Wings of Glass!

  6. Gina,

    The book sounds amazing. I follow your posts weekly even though I get sidetracked and forget to comment. I'd love to post your interview on my blog. I'm sending you an email now.

    Best of luck!

  7. Gina,

    I'd be THRILLED to post an interview on my website! I've only read Crossing Oceans this last year, but I'd be glad to promote your new book on Bravehearts. Let me know what I need to do - my contact info: becky (at) beckydoughty (dot) com.



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