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Monday, September 24, 2012

Congratulations Ane Mulligan!!!

Novel Rocket's own Ane Mulligan has spent the last decade or so writing toward the goal of publication. She's always said it would happen in "God's timing" and apparently His timing is now.

Ane was offered a two book contract with Oak Tara!

We are sooooo proud and happy for you, Ane . . . and I know you're waiting for this, so here it is . . . WAHOO!!!!!!!


  1. YEE-HAW! A palm-stinging high-five, fist-bump and a hip-check to you, Anie Girl!

    1. It takes a village to raise a novel, and you're part of my village, Genghis!! Love you and thanks!!

  2. Congratulations, Ane... so happy for you. This news warmed my heart, all day!

  3. Replies
    1. Sandie, you're one of my favorite authors. This means so much to me! Hugs!

  4. Gina, like I told Michelle, it takes a village. You and Jess were the first ones in my village, along with Y and a few others. Love you!!! And thanks for the fun celebration here!!!

  5. Yay, Ane!!! I'm so thrilled for you! You deserve it. :-) Can't wait to share you and your book on The Christian Writer's Den. (Check your email.) :-)

    Happy dancing in SC!

    1. Thanks, Vonda! You've always been an inspiration to me and I love your sense of humor!!

  6. Congratulations, Ane!!!! I'm THRILLED for you!!!! And I look forward to reading your books in print!!!

    Retro Snoopy dance going on here!

  7. Ane, I am so happy for you. You've persevered and kept your sense of humor all the way. I am so glad to hear your good news.

    1. Sally, my dear friend, we've walked a long road, haven't we? But God is faithful and totally trustworthy with our dreams, isn't He? Thanks so much!!

  8. Ane, though I'm a stranger to you, you've helped me several times along the way with your freely given time and advice (via both NR and ACFW Women's Fiction Loop). So delighted on your behalf that your generosity and faithfulness are being rewarded by the fulfillment of your dream. Well done. Cheers! ~ Katherine Scott Jones

    1. Oh, Katherine, you're not a stranger! You're a sister-writer and have blessed me so much with your comments here! Thank you!! And I'll see you on the WF loop! :o)

  9. So excited to see this news. Always appreciate your encouraging remarks here at Novel Rocket. So thankful God has fulfilled your dream!

    1. Heather, thank you so very much! I've overwhelmed by all the excitement! Keep writing!

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you, my sweet friend! I'm so glad you're part of our team and my tribe!

  11. So happy for you, Ane. I met you at BRMCWC a couple of years ago and remember your positive outlook, great sense of humor, and mostly, your supportive attitude toward other writers. Glad it's your turn.

    1. Kim, your words have blessed me greatly! Thank you so much!!

  12. Ane, I'm so excited for you!!!! I can't wait to have your book on my shelf!

    1. The three of us stuck it out, stayed the course, and now we'll ALL be on the shelf!!! I cannot wait for the world to meet the 21st Century's Jane Austin!!!!! Love you!


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