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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Conferences for Children's Writers

ACFW is going on this week, and I'm home all alone.

Well, if you're here reading, I guess I'm not all alone. But isn't it hard to sit home while so many of our Novel Rocket plans are whooping it up at ACFW?

In order to help us not get stuck home again, I decided to list some of the best writer's conferences for children's writers to attend. I'll go in alphabetical order.


This is not geared toward children's writers, but there are a few editors and agents there who will look at MG/YA proposals and there are plenty of YA writers in attendance. A great place to go to make new friends and meet old friends and the place to be if you want to keep in contact with the Christian publishers and agents. Held in swank hotels every fall--you'll get a good night's sleep at this one.
In the beautiful Smokey Mountains in the fall. This is a largish conference with classes for children's writers. I've heard great things about this one and they have a great faculty each year.
I've never been but I'll be attending in 2013 in the spring. A smaller conference but one with a great staff and a couple of mentoring tracks for children's writers.
This spring conference is, I believe, the largest Christian writers conference. This one does have a children's track most years. It has publishers who will look at children's fiction and nonfiction as well as some agents who are willing to look at YA proposals. This is my favorite conference, because of the beautiful setting (in the California redwoods) and the warm, friendly people. It's a bit on the rustic side and the beds are not the most comfortable, but other than that, this conference is perfect.
Finally one that is aimed specifically at children's writers. A small conference. A short conference. The perfect place to go if you want intimate and less expensive.

General Market

Highlights Foundation

Excellent workshops all year round. Wonderful accommodations and fantastic staff. I can't gush enough about these.

SCBWI Nationals

The summer conference. Very big, fantastic staff. Pay a little extra and get the paid critique. They are worth every penny. The workshops are great. This is for all children's writers--non-fiction, fiction, PBs through YA. 
The winter conference. Ditto all I said above.

SCBWI Regional Conferences--Spring

SCBWI Regional Conferences--Fall

OK that's all I have right now. Help me out if I've missed some please, and don't forget to bookmark this page so you can find it again easily. Which is/are your favorite conference/s?
photo credit: RubyGoes via photo pin cc
Sally Apokedak is a new associate agent with the Leslie H. Stobbe Literary Agency. She's looking forward to attending lots of conferences next year and hoping to build a dynamite list of children's authors (PB to YA). She is also the local liaison for SCBWI in Cobb County, Georgia.


  1. There is this one too.

    1. Wow. Thanks. I've never heard of this conference. The staff looks great.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Apparently, I don't know how to comment from the ipad

  3. I'm afraid I don't have much to add about conferences for children's writers, but I'll chime in anyway. I was smiling yesterday when I read Ane's news, and I'm smiling more today about yours. I sooo had missed that. Congratulations, Sally--livin' the dream! I'lll see you in Florida in March, Lord willing. Hugs and blessings from Pacasmayo, Peru!

  4. Thanks, Marti. I'm planning on going to Florida, yes. Look forward to re-connecting with you.

  5. I'm a huge fan of the Oregon Christian Writers - they have three one-day conferences throughout the year and then one large Summer Conference in August. in 2013, the Summer Conference is August 12-15 in Portland, OR and has Liz Curtis Higgs keynoting. They always have a stellar faculty and the smaller size allows you more one-on-one time with editors and agents. :-)


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