About the Author
JAMIE CARIE'S BIO:Jamie writes novels about fierce, passionate women; their dreams; their fears; their triumphs. Her deepest desire is to see her readers find that same passion as they follow their destiny and discover deeper intimacy with Jesus.
What have been the benefits to you in having relationships with reading groups?
Reading groups are awesome because I can get feedback (very honest feedback :o) ) on the story which helps me grow as an author. I love hearing what parts of the book people were touched by or if something confused or annoyed them. And the best part is when they gush about one of the characters. That’s fun!
Where would you like to see your relationship with reading groups grow? How do you think your goals can be met?
I would like to participate in more of them. There are so many great books to choose from out there that it is a challenge to get chosen. I need to be more proactive in contacting reading groups and asking that they consider my books.
Do you have a set size a reading group has to be before you'll talk to them on the phone or in person? What do you feel most comfortable doing?
No size limit! I’ll talk to one person and have if they are interested. I love visiting personally but that isn’t always possible so phone calls are fine too. I’m very flexible.
Which type of book club meeting do you prefer? Why?
I love the ones where the members have known each other for a while and are friends. It really feels like a privilege to be included in those tightknit groups.
What have you learned about your book and yourself from book club meetings?

Did you learn more about your characters than what you had originally intended? If so what?
Since this was my first continuous series I was able to explore my characters at greater depth (over three books instead of one). I feel like I really know Gabriel, the Duke of St. Easton. His struggles came from a place deep within me and I hope ring true and inspiring.
Have you been surprised by readers’ reactions to one of your books? One of your characters? If so, which ones or what surprised you?
I have been blown away many times when receiving an email or letter telling me how my characters have made a difference in a reader’s life. Elizabeth from Snow Angel really connected with many readers. She had so many obstacles to overcome before she could love and accept love. A lot of women wrote me about her and how they could relate. (God gets all the glory for that!)
Has your book club experience - getting feed back from reading groups - helped you in writing future books? If so, how has it helped you?
I think it has helped me keep the reader in mind more while I’m writing. I appreciate all the different perspectives and try to craft a story that has themes most people can relate to.
What would you like to experience in reading groups that you haven’t experienced so far?
Just do more of them! :o)
What was your most memorable reading group experience? What made it so special?
Attending a library group meeting where the ladies were so kind and fun, smart and curious about what being an author was like. The food was great too!
Can you give us a sneak peek at what you are working on now? Do tell!!
I am currently working on my memoirs (it’s a slow process) and beginning some research on another three book series. It will be historical but with a fairytale feel. Three sisters who each has a special gift. I’m excited to get started on it!
Name three books you adored as a child?
Heidi, Little House on the Prairie and Jane Eyre.
A movie that most affected you when you were young. If you didn't watch movies what book affected you most in your youth?
The Star Wars movies! My dad, brother and I were crazy about them and saw them at the theatre three times each.
A friend of yours has a time travel machine and will let you have it for a couple of days. What would you do with it? Any events you’d like to experience? If so which ones?
I would love to see many of the Biblical events in person! Can you imagine seeing David slay Goliath? Or Jesus’ birth? It would be difficult to narrow down the choices.
You find yourself shipwrecked on an uninhabited tropical island with a group of Christians - all friends and relatives of yours. You all have to work as a team to survive. Many roles have to be filled. Which role do you think you'd play?
I’m an organizer and encourager. I’m also the eldest of five kids so I’m good at being bossy! :o)
I would be appointing tasks to the appropriate people, helping plan the rescue attempts and best use of the resources – hopefully without stepping on too many toes.
Thanks for stopping by Jamie and talking to us about book clubs. It was exciting to work with you at The Book Club Network www.bookfun.org
I love the two questions you've picked for readers to answer. We are going to have fun!! I'm also looking forward to talking to you at our book club meeting.
Blessings to you and on your writing! Love the cover for the next book in your new series! If you are an author with book club experience and would like to be featured here please contact me norafindinghope@yahoo.com
Nora :o)
The Book Club Network
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