I'm pleased to welcome Phil Callaway as a guest blogger for our Sunday Devotional today. In honor of those who have fought to keep our world free, I've chosen a war story. I pray you will be blessed. Marcia
In a German prison camp near the end of World War II, the Americans built a makeshift radio risking severe punishment—even death—to receive welcome news broadcasts from afar. One day came the glorious news that the German high command had surrendered, ending the long and bitter war that had seen an estimated 60 million die.
Unfortunately for the German guards, a communications breakdown had kept the news from reaching their ears. As word spread swiftly from prisoner to prisoner, a loud celebration broke out. As hope dawned on them, they began to sing. They waved at the confused guards, laughed at the German shepherd dogs, and shared jokes over their meager meals. On the fourth day, they awoke to find that all the Germans had fled, leaving the gates unlocked.
The war was over. The time of waiting had come to an end.
I too have been imprisoned by difficulty. As this book goes to press, Ramona’s oldest brother Dennis passed away. When I shut off my computer today, I will leave the office to sit by my parents’ bedsides as they waste away with Dementia. They will try to communicate, but the only language left to them is tears.
And yet a peace envelops me. It’s tough to explain this peace apart from the story I have just told.
You see, each of us will face crises. One hundred percent of humans are now dying. It has reached epidemic proportions, hasn’t it? But how can I respond with fear and anxiety?
I have listened to the radio. The war is over. I have read the end of The Book. The battle is won. The guards may not know it yet, but I do. A watching world may be confused by my laughter, but it makes perfect sense.
I am privileged to address many groups of people each year. Many are non-believers. But I’ve realized lately that Christians laugh harder. I have seen them fall off chairs. And I think I know the reason. You see, the world laughs to forget. Christians laugh because we remember that the most important issues of all were dealt with on the cross by our Lord Jesus Christ. We are free to rejoice.
For a few short days we linger on, waiting for his coming. But it is time to act on the Good News we have heard. It is time to tell the world that the war is over. It is time to show them what this joy looks like.
It is time to let the celebrations begin.
For our present troubles are quite small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us an immeasurably great glory that will last forever! So we don’t look at the troubles we can see right now, rather we look forward to what we have not yet seen. For the troubles we see will soon be over, but the joys to come will last forever. (2 Corinthians 4:17–18)
Phil's books are available at bookstores across the country. Visit his website at www.philcallaway.ab.ca
Phil Callaway is an award-winning author, speaker, and daddy of three. The best-selling author of more than twenty-five books, Phil has been called "the funniest Canadian alive," but never by his school teachers. He is a frequent guest on national radio and TV, and his humorous stories on family life have been featured in hundreds of magazines worldwide. But he insists that his greatest achievement was convincing his wife to marry him. Phil lives in Alberta, Canada with his high school sweetheart. They are married.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
The Dawn of Hope
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Christian authors, Finding hope, laughter, novels, Phil Callaway
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The Dawn of HopeI'm pleased to welcome Phil Callaway as a guest blogger for our Sunday Devotional today. In honor of those who have fought to keep our world free, I've chosen a war story. I pray you will be blessed. Marcia****In a German pri… Read More
What a beautiful picture and reminder. I needed this today.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful reminder. The picture of the prisoners with the good news, just waiting for it to come to pass, works perfectly.